4G Dropping Calls - After 13yrs It May Be Time To Move On
Enthusiast - Level 2

I'm just getting sick of it.  My 4G signal has been spotty at best.  I'm never at 5 bars like the old days, now I'm lucky to get 3 bars outside in the middle of a field.  I submitted a ticket with Verizon support a few months ago (NRB000010246586) because I was dropping calls like crazy.  Well, the ticket was opened and apparently no solution.  I am self-employed and I've depended on my cell phone for years to conduct business but now Verizon isn't reliable enough for me to continue to use as my primary business line.  To keep from losing customers I had to add an additional expense to my budget to get a subscription to a VOIP phone service to make up the shortcomings of Verizon's now horrible cell phone reception, indoors or outdoors it doesn't matter it's just bad now.   In addition to the horrible 4G constantly dropping calls a major problem is Verizon's response.  All I've seen in the responses from Verizon is they have been blaming the customer, you're inside a building, maybe there is interference, are you around trees, it's not us its you...this is crazy!   Obviously, there is something wrong going on just look at the message boards, all of those customers can't be just making this stuff up!  For the first time in over 13yrs I don't believe Verizon is being honest with us and worse I feel like they don't care.  I used to walk around with braggadocious confidence in my Verizon service knowing I had the best reception now I'm consistently returning calls saying "MY BAD" my signal dropped.  If something doesn't improve soon I'm going to have to say goodbye to what is quickly becoming a toxic relationship.

2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

RodneyO, your loyalty means the world to us and the last thing we would ever want is for you to leave us. I rely on my phone to make and receive calls as well, so I know how crucial it is for you to be able to make calls. 

Please keep in mind that wireless carriers can not guarantee indoor services due to building materials possibly interfering with signal reception.

Also, there are always changes that impact our Network, some are controllable and others may not be. We do have solutions available to get your service working. Do you have time to go through those with me?”

Common causes of signal related change may include:

  • Interference
  • In-building issues
  • Foliage
  • Construction
  • Population changes
  • Cell site changes (e.g., tower relocation, antenna alignment, power adjustment, etc.

My family and I could not use our phones to make calls in our family room or in our basement. 

While you are outdoors your calls should not be dropping as you mentioned.

Do you experience any issues with your data or text messages? To better assist you, I sent you a Private Message. Please respond to the Private Message at your earliest convenience. JacobG_VZW 

Enthusiast - Level 2

See, told you what the response from Verizon would be, a canned scripted auto response, It's me not them.  Now the next move is to upsell me for equipment that I didn't need a year ago to get a good signal at home meanwhile my 4G will still be lacking outside.   BTW JacobG_VZW I don't know where you sent this "phantom" Private Message because I don't have any alerts in any of my inboxes on my Verizon account or my handset.  

This is not good JacobG_VZW!  You know what they say...it takes a lifetime to build a good reputation and all it takes is 1 bad incident to ruin it forever.  You know like I know if this keeps up Verizon will be a meme on social media.
