How slow is the "Start Unlimited Plan" during times of congestion/traffic?
Enthusiast - Level 1

I am currently on a "12 GB Shared Plan" with PREMIUM 4G LTE Data.

I am thinking about changing my family to the "Start Unlimited Plan" that does NOT have Premium data.

How much slower should I expect to experience with my phone during times of "congestion/traffic"?  Will it be a noticable drop or is it negligible?  

Thank you.

5 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

I have Go, which is just Start with a slow hotspot.


It's basically useless when completely congested. Dial up from the 90s felt faster. For an idea, I had to connect to Starbucks' wifi to get useable internet at the food court in one of our malls.

Enthusiast - Level 2

If you like not streaming anything and taking over 20 minutes to download a 35mb app then sure go for it ;).

It really is horrible when you're in a congested area if you have Verizon any of the unlimited.  I moved to one with 25+premium and well I get 0.31 mbps which is more than I got with the unlimited with no premium.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Don't even think about it.  You'll get messed up.  I switched and because the towers I was connected to were considered 'congested' my data rates dropped to .01 Mbps.  That is slower than the safety mode and makes your phone useless.

Enthusiast - Level 2

It is EXTREMELY slow and unbelievably frustrating. I called several times to complain, and they tell me it is not for people who stream anything at all including music, videos, news clips, etc. It rarely works anywhere without very long pauses. I barely use any data. My usage is so low that the rest of my family laughs at me. Their usage will be in the gigs each month and I use from .1 to .2 of a single gig. I have no social media and I don't stream music.  I only use WhatsApp to communicate with my family and then google and YouTube for my handyman job, but I do need to be able to watch a video and shop without waiting and waiting and waiting. I am finally being pushed to go to a higher cost unlimited plan, which I believe is Verizon's goal by offering the low price and worthless "Start Unlimited" in the first place. Anyone reading this should save themselves the headache and bypass the Start Unlimited plan, unless you simply do not need internet away from your home. 

Customer Service Rep

Hello, we understand wanting to be on the best plan for your needs. Please send us a Private Note if you would like us to go over your options with you.
