I'm accruing data usage when I'm connected to wifi
Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm positive that Verizon is committing Fraud.

10 days ago my husband and I switched from Sprint to Verizon and got new Galaxy S5 phones.  While with Sprint, my husband used about 1.5GB of data a month and I used .5GB a month.  The reason my usage was less was because I use my phone less (duh) but also because my phone very often wouldn't connect to their service, 3G or their so called 4G at all.  My husband didn't have this problem, but I got so fed up with the connectivity that we switched to Verizon.  We thought that since I would be able to use my phone a little more and the data would be faster and more reliable, it would be prudent to buy 3GB of data a month even though we were only averaging 2GB before. 

Well, after having Verizon for 10 days, we have used 2.3GB between the two of us; .5GB for me and 1.8GB for my husband.  In other words, our data usage has MORE THAN TRIPLED with Verizon.  This is absolutely wrong, so I did some investigating.  I looked at the data usage details spreadsheet that Verizon posts online with the date, time and amount of each occurrence of data usage.  Be aware that we have wifi at home (where we are basically every night from 7pm-7am) and my husband has wifi at work (weekdays 8am-5pm).  I was SHOCKED to see that the vast majority of my husbands outrageous usage was being incurred specifically during times when he was at work or home, even significant amounts at 2 and 3 o'clock in the morning.  Only a little usage was being accrued during the about 3 hours a day when he might not be connected to wifi.

I spent over an hour on the phone today (including 40 minutes on hold) with tech support.  They must have thought I was an idiot because they kept telling me about how our phones are using a lot of RAM.  I'm no IT expert, but RAM is internal memory and not equivalent to data usage.  Then they tried to tell me that the time stamps on our spreadsheets were delayed and that the data was really being used when not on wifi but not showing up on my account until some unknown period of time later. This is bullshit and I debunked that theory by turning off my data (when there actually was no usage accrued) and then turned my data back on momentarily at 10:15am.  A usage charge popped up a little while later on my account time stamped 10:16am.  Pretty accurate, which tells me that the other time stamps are also accurate to within a minute or two; not off by many hours.

Then tech support told me to try a test to see if I can show that data is being accrued when I'm definitely not using it.  They told me to turn off my data for an extended period of time, use wifi only, and then check my account to see if data charges are accruing.  Well, of course data isn't accruing when data is off.  That proves nothing.  That does not have any bearing whatsoever on the fact that data usage is accruing when data service is ON but I'm CONNECTED to a reliable, strong, functioning WIFI signal like the one at my home and the one in my husband's office.  There are only two explanations left.  Either my husband and I are severely psyciatrically disabled and are imagining having working wifi signals and are somehow watching youtube videos in our sleep; OR VERIZON IS COMMITTING FRAUD.  Its one or the other, the way I see it.

IS THERE A REASONABLE SOLUTION TO THIS???  Resolving this issue by telling me to manually turn my data service on and off each time I come and go from my house is unacceptable.  Verizon, you need to fix your practices and remove the fraudulent usage from my account immediately.  Since I'm sure you won't, I'll be switching to AT&T since I still have 3 days to cancel my contract.  Third time is a charm, I hope.

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290 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello Alleyday,

I am saddened to hear that you've had such a rough start to your relationship with Verizon! I'd like to help sort this situation out. What make & model phones do you and your husband have? We can troubleshoot, and get to the bottom of why data is accruing when you are connected to wifi.

Thank you,
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Enthusiast - Level 1

Your update wrecked my note 3 also.


This is my first bill. Just switched to Verizon.  I work from home and home ALL day with WiFi.  I incurred $30 in extra Data charges.  PERPLEXED! and disturbed.

Customer Service Rep

I can understand how this is upsetting to have data charges if you're connected to wifi. Do you check your data daily via my verizon or #data on your phone? If you have apps open when not connected to wifi and they update, this may use data. Here are some tips to lower data usage on your phone http://vz.to/1n1599i . Let us know if you have a questions.

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Enthusiast - Level 2

Are their apps that run data while connected to wifi? I believe some of the

Verizon apps do this so you can require us to purchase more data. Sprint is

offering a good plan right now. I hate to leave Verizon I've used this same

company since my first cell phone in 1998. This is ridiculous.

On Sep 11, 2014 6:58 AM, "Verizon Wireless Customer Support" <


I'm having the exact same issue I can't get the 4G icon at the top of my phone to gray out when I'm on wifi unless I turn my mobile data off (then it grays out w/a slash thru it). Now I'm accruing mobile data usage even tho I usually use wifi - I'm almost always at home, so I suspect it's using mobile data at those times. I try to remember to turn it off, but that's not acceptable solution anyway.

I have a new s5, which I also cannot get to sync up and transfer data from my old phone, which was a galaxy note 2. The Verizon guy imported my contacts, most of which transferred, but random ones are gone. The tapping phones togethet thing does absolutely nothing & I'm having to reenter my whole calendar, reinstall apps, etc...and it won't dock my memory card. I haven't had time to back in to Verizon, so I've just been living with all this. Can you help? Assuming so, TIA.



I have been in contact via phone several times now regarding this issue and gotten no where. The phone techs do not seem to understand how data works. I have been told wifi isn't used when the phone sleeps (Which is incorrect, after looking at the setting in the phone that show differently). I have also disabled ALL background data on my apps and yet the data keeps being used in very small kilobytes when on wifi. Now, I have also been told the usage is tracked under 'Data Usage' under settings. This doesn't add up either. What my apps are showing from the day is not in line with what verizon is showing usage for. I have personally tested this and found that the times I use my data (not on wifi) reflect accurately on myverizon.com data usage.

At this point I am at the conclusion this a hard coded OS/bloatware app this I have no control over unless I turn off mobile data completely, which is just not feasible to have to remember to turn on to get a photo text msg and remember to turn back off when I arrive home. 

I understand is only very small kilobytes but those are adding up to megabytes. I do not feel this should be reflected as usage if I have no control of it being used.

I would be very open to professional technical suggestions at this point.

ps. this is also happening on wife's smartphone as well.

Customer Service Rep
We never want you to feel like your time is wasted. We understand your concern about applications that you're not using taking up data usage. You did mention these apps have been disabled and that you notice usage when connected to wifi. If the device is connected to wifi then it is not using your mobile data unless the wifi connection times out. With the advanced devices, there will always be data usage in small amounts because your smartphone is like a mini computer. In order to prevent any data from being used at all, you would need to do what you mentioned above and turn off mobile data.
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If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!
Enthusiast - Level 2

I am having the EXACT same issue. We are going through way too much data.  When I looked at the specific usages many of them seem to be when we are at home or connected to reliable wifi connections at work.  I have been a Verizon customer since they were originally Ameritech, then Primeco, then Verizon, going back almost 20 years. I feel they do have almost the best reception in the most places but this is ridiculous that they have this issue with the bogus data usages. I agree, fraudulent practice going on. And having to turn data on and off is insane.  If it's off, you cant get text messages if they're to more than one person, and you can't send/receive picture messages.   Check your online posts as well. We seem, on all 3 phones, to have several hits 12 hours apart days in a row.  IE. 5/12 I had a hit at 3:31 am and 10:31 am, then 3:31 pm and 10:31 pm.  And it is way more than the .0001 ping of a notice or weather advisory or something of that nature.  Verizon is up to something.  I may start to research my options.

Customer Service Rep


No reason to complete anymore research. We are here for you. I want to make sure that we are getting everything taken care of for you ASAP. Ddo you use the Verizon Cloud services on the phones at all? What kind of cell phone do you have that is showing data usage while you are connected to wi-fi? Please keep me posted.


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Community Leader

Check the sleep policy for the wifi radio on your phones. After a period of inactivity, the wifi radio will turn off allowing the cellular data connection to be active again for background syncing.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Same thing here.  When I had my DROID X, I didn't even use 1GB per MONTH.  And I am doing all the same things I've always done, only now it is on a new phone; DROID Ultra.  I just added an additional 1GB to our previous 2GB plan just last week and guess what?  We have burned through half of it already.  And we are ALWAYS connected to WiFi. 

This is insane!  It is using data even when it is turned OFF!  At least with my DROID X, I could remove the battery when I turned the thing off and I'm sure that helped with the data.

What do you say, Verizon?  I can't keep adding GB to my plan; we are now paying almost $175 per month for our two DROID Ultras.  Which are constantly connected to WiFi!  We do not play games, videos or music on our phones and I've disabled whatever can be disabled on my phone. 

If I can't get this taken care of, I am leaving Verizon.  Something here just isn't right.  Definitely NOT happy!

Enthusiast - Level 1

This exact same thing is happening to me.  My husband and I just got smartphones for the first time this week.  I asked several questions because we have never had to use a data plan. We were told that if we were on wifi, we would not incur any data usage.  So, after 2 DAYS with our new phones, my husband alone has used half of out 1GB data plan- the best part of this sham called Verizon wireless is that he has been connected to wifi the entire time!!!!!!  I just did an update on my phone- as it was connected to our wifi at home, and watched in real time as our Verizon data tracker increased our data usage-----as I was connected to wifi!  This is so ridiculous.  There is no way were are staying with Verizon.   We are absolutely contacting the Better Business Bureau.  We have been improperly informed and flat out lied to-- we have been connected to wifi the entire time and have watched as our data usage has skyrocketed--- did I mention it took only 2 DAYS for my husband to go through half of our data plan!  2 DAYS!!!!! ON WI FI!!!!!

Enthusiast - Level 1

I took it off WiFi and complained on their Facebook page.  I think their

salespeople telling folks to always stay on WiFi is their way of making

money!  Take your phones OFF of WiFi, put Task Killer Advanced (google play

store - FREE) on your phone and hit that repeatedly during the day.  It

will shut down the junk running in the background that loves to nom on your

data.  The other thing I do is to constantly dump cached data from my

phone.  We did all three of these things and we have only burned up .7 of

our 3GB limit since June 1st!  Not even a whole GB in 19 days!  Also,

remove all updates from every app that your phone came with (bloatware)

every so often. And shut the phone down every night after you run the task

killer and empty your data cache. Somewhere along the line I will learn how

to completely uninstall that darned bloatware and I will pass it on!

Let me know if this makes a difference for you!



Personal info removed as required by the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service

Message edited by: Admin Moderator

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am having the same issue.  The reps just blame you for using data... but I have been home all day and connected to my wifi all day and it still says data is being used.  Verizon are scam artists!!!

Customer Service Rep

Hi Caitip28!

Let's look into this! Have you had an opportunity to check the sleep policy for the wifi radio on your phone? Which device do you have? When did the issue begin?



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Enthusiast - Level 1

Having identical problem-- I too have had verizon for 10 years plus and am VERY familiar with system. Upgraded to 'new' plan July 2 and all of a sudden getting huge time stamped data usage even when connected to wifi. The time stamps

are unclear because unknown to me what time zone verizon's billing system lists (I am in central).  Many of the time stamps are at 3 in the morning when the phone is either still connected to wifi, not being used (because I am asleep), or off. I have not streamed a single thing since I got the new plan-- and used data only to access email.

So verizon's system is either broken, or doing something in the background which results in override of wifi which I had thought not possible.

Community Leader
Community Leader

Did you check the wifi sleep policy?

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Customer Service Rep


I am so sorry to hear about the odd data usage that is happening on your device. Lets investigate. What type of device do you have? Have you checked to make sure there are not applications running in the background on the device? Do you have the Verizon Cloud on your device? If so, please make sure it is set to Wifi only. Cloud App>Tap on 3 lines (Top left)>Settings


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Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm having the same problem. Me and my sister just switched from sprint to Verizon.  We shared 8g of data and didn't use half of that a month. And I would constantly have my iheart radio on and fb and watching videos. Now I'm afraid to do anything with my phone. There are three of us on this plan now with 10g of data and in less than a half of a month we have used. We all use wifi at home, and phones are shut off at work. There is NO WAY we have really used that much data. 5.6g in less than two weeks? No way! It's obvious with these many complaints it is on your end!