LTE doesn't show up in my area (New York, 10028).

1. I checked LTE coverage which clearly shows that it is part of it. (New York city. 86th street and East end ave)

2. I talked with technical support last night after 1 hour waiting and it is not about my device problem (Iphone / Ipad), but weak signal in my neighbor especially lower floors can get less signals. (when I talked on the phone, it was mainly 2nd floor issue since I can get LTE service from high floors)

3. this morning, I walked towards east end avenue (right side is just park) and realized there is no LTE signal on the street level. While I did the face time, I knew it dropped a few times but I didn't know this area didn't have LTE coverage. I believe it is not not only 2nd floor lower level floor issue(inside of the building) all this area of street level doesn't seem to get LTE signal well.

I know Verizon has the best quality of LTE in new york city, but is it possible to add or strengthen the signal on this area? 

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