Music Streaming possibility to be free?!

So, as much as I love Verizon, I wish it would be great if we can get unlimited streaming of music form Pandora or Spotify so our data wont be used as much, It'll be a great feature to have. It can build customer relationships and possible market share!

Yeah costs will go up and profits might slightly go down (maybe, depending on how much it is with the contracts and other fees and cost but if you get a increase in potential customer and increase the retention rate of the customers can be a different story).

Just a suggestion but should definitely do some market research which we can do in this discussion!

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7 Replies

With the mantra that nothing is free, Verizon would build the cost into your plan costs.  This would mean people that don't stream would subsidize people who do stream.   You are also giving unfair competitive advantage to Pandora or Spotify.  What about a great music streaming start up with better monthly rates and family plan, but can't stay in business due to these special priority lanes of companies with loads of cash to suppress competition? 

That is the concept of net neutrality.

By the way I stream lots of music, and I am still against the idea fior the reasons above. 


Consensus is that T-Mobile couldn't keep up with that free streaming either and Net Neutrality would end up part of the process there.  Given streaming is the biggest consumer of data I don't see that ever being a promotion.  With more spectrum and waves and all that, I see higher allowances of data at lower prices, but data, at least for a long time coming, is the money maker.  I'd love to see 3G be unlimited for such services or at least limited to non-streaming services, but that also requires network upkeep and that costs money, so....yeah.


You made very good points that I didn't think about, thank you for the insight. I just hate paying over usage fees because I need to constantly check my email, and access my work page on my phone, then I use it at the gym to stream music (gym has no free wifi) and by the end of the first week and a ive already used up 2 of my 4 gb of data. don't want to upgrade because of the costs (still in college)


Make sure the quality settings are set low for cellular use on Spotify.

From the information I can gather, each hour and 8 hours of streaming uses this much data:

Pandora: 30 MB - 240 MB

Spotify - lowest setting - 45 MB - 360 MB

Spotify - normal setting - 75 MB -  600 MB

Spotify - highest setting - 145 MB - 1.16 GB

If you get the premium version of spotify, you can download songs on wifi and then play them at the gym. That is $10/month, but cheaper than buying more data all the time. I know in college, every dollar counts though.

Contributor - Level 1

Might I suggest an alternative???

If your device support External SD cards, install one (you can get them dirt cheap on ebay FYI) and load your favorite tunes on there. Take a pair of headphones with you to the gym and rock out while you work out....No data usage, and you get commercial free music....some of these devices (like my S5) support up to 128gb cards. I could never fill that up....hours of music for your workout pleasure, no data, no ugly bills....


I keep about 18GB of music on my internal memory.  Seems like enough for 1 or 2 hours away from data.

Contributor - Level 1

I have enough for at least 2-3 hours at the gym....