NE Corridor Rail Line - Worst Coverage in 10 Years

I've been travelling the NE Corridor rail line from Trenton to NYC for 10 years, and your 4G LTE signal is the worst it's ever been.  If you do some research to see how many people commute daily along the most heavily travelled rail line in North America, multiply that by your market share and you'll get an estimated number of customers that are frustrated with the intermittent coverage.  From a business perspective, think of the data charges you are losing from the spotty coverage.  I guarantee people would be streaming more audio and video content, if the signal was strong and consistent.  Someday (it could take a while) NJT could roll out Wi-Fi along the line.  If you are not the provided, then your revenue from this richly travelled area will suffer…carpe diem, Verizon.  Please consider beefing up service in this area for the satisfaction of your customers and for your own revenue. 

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2 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

I'm wondering if AT&T even has good coverage in those areas? Unfortunately no company can support both legacy & 4g networks in every location. Having both electricity & phone lines available for new cell sites is just not possible in some areas.

The only thing in AT&T's favor is much better data speed on their legacy HSPA network. Verizon's 2g & 3g speed pales in comparison.Smiley Sad

Specialist - Level 1

Plus being inside of a moving metal box with small windows is tough for signals to penetrate. It's much more difficult than when using a phone inside an automobile.

Sometimes you can't beat physics. . . . . .
