Poor/no 4G LTE Data in 30328 (Atlanta Perimeter) between 12-3 PM this week, every day

For the last week in the Ashford Dunwoody area north of the Perimiter (30328 zip code near the Costco), the 4G data service has become unusable.  It typically starts between 12 and 1 PM and last until between 230 and 3 PM (roughly).  The 4G signal is still strong, but the "4G LTE"  icon on my Moto X turns gray instead of blue most of the time.  The hotspot also will not connect. 

This actually happened a few weeks ago as well, but it appeared to resolve itself after a couple of days.  This week it has been fairly consistent and predictable and is ongoing as of this moment.  (I'm writing from a hardline connection right now!).  Restarting the phone does not resolve the issue, and at some point in the last month I have lost the ability to force the conenction to 3G (CDMA is grayed out in the Moto X settings menu now so I'm flat outta luck).

No change to building/facilities that would be contributing - again, all works well in the morning and in the late afternoon after the issue auto-resolves.  The problem does appear to be localized since when I drive out of the area the problem appears to clear up. However, that might also be a time-based correlation.

Regular phone calls work through the duration of the 4G data impariment.

The issue is currently ongoing as of 2:54 PM on Friday, 10/4/13.

Anybody else noticed this?  VZW, are you aware of network or congestion issues? 


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Customer Service Rep


Thank you for reaching out to us. I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble with connection in this area. We definitely want to make sure that you always have service. I see that you have done your due dilligence of the issues in the area and we certainly appreicate that. It seems that this is a very centralized issue based off your description and we would love to look deeper into this. Have you had a ticket filed regarding these problems? If not, you can follow me at TonyG_VZW and send a direct message with your name, mobile number and billing password and we can start the process to file a ticket. We look forward to assisting and hearing from you soon, because as of right now there is no issues stated in that area.

Thank you,

Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport
