Slow 4G Getting worse and worse.
Enthusiast - Level 1

I want to know what the deal is with slower and slower 4G in my area across all of my devices. I’ve heard the same from others in my area (Beaufort NC). I can barely load basic webpages. It has been getting slower and slower over the last 18 months. I pay hundreds per month for mediocre service and it’s pathetic. Not to mention the joke that was their service during Florence (LTE only worked at all over night).  Get to work Verizon. Now. 

11 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Taylor254, we definitley want you to be able to get the best service possible. Can you please confirm any troubleshooting steps you preformed for your device to help prevent repeated steps?


Enthusiast - Level 2


I have been reading complaints from all over the United States, on all types of devices both new and old. It seems to me that there is an inherent problem with YOUR service and /or equipment over the last 3 to 18 months.

Voice and text do not seem to be affected, but data is terrible. I personally get only 2 to 3 bars reception, and frequently drop down to 3G or 1X service in areas that I have always had 4 bars or more of service. Having just switched to a unlimited plan, it seems fishy that we can no longer expect to receive good service as in the past.

I know that a lot of time and money are being spent on the new 5G service in the Colorado and Dallas, TX areas, but I think its time to come clean and admit what is going on. THOUSANDS of users can't have all messed up their phones at the same time! If your answer is upgrade to a new 5G phone, I think I will consider it, but not with Verizon!

You have set the example for fast service for many years......  FIX IT ALREADY!

Slow lane in Texas

Customer Service Rep

We are here to work toward a resolution on your service concerns to keep you as our customer. It’s possible for the network experience to change in certain areas due to many factors, such as population changes, new construction or a change in the season. We do not have any known issues with a widespread outage across the country.


5G is available in limited areas and requires a 5G phone. Here is a web page the details. 5G services are a great new experience; however, this new service is not related to the problems you are describing.


Please provide the city and nearby cross streets to the area that you have problems in. Please run a speed test, take a screenshot of the results and send us the image of the results. Do the problems happen indoors or outdoors?


Enthusiast - Level 2


Is that your answer, everyone needs to by a $1200.00 phone to get back the service we have had for years?

I am at the intersection of Hwys 157 and 183 in Euless, Texas. My poor signal happens indoors, outdoors, everywhere and I am less than 1 or 2 miles away from cell towers.

Funny thing is, I am test driving on the TMobile network for 30 days, and their device is getting 5 bars in the same location I am getting 1 or 2 bars from you.

I am on my second Samsung Note 8, I also have in the household a Samsung Galaxy S5, and I also have a medical device with an internal modem and I suspect it is on your network, because I only have 1 bar on it. My first Note 8 had the sim card changed 6 or seven times.

Sorry for not responding sooner, but I had a computer crash which wiped out my email for the past  6 months.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Forgot to include my multiple calls to network support in addition to changing sim cards.

Customer Service Rep

We definitely want you to have the service you need, TexasRedn3k. We never mentioned that you needed a new device to get the service you need. Our 5G network is not anywhere near your area, and 4G is not going anywhere once 5G arrives. Tell us, have there been any changes in your area before this issue started? 



As I am either at the office (on wifi) or at home (on wifi) when I surf the net on the phone (Google Pixel 3 XL) I don't notice any problems, aside from Youtube data drops after an hour or so of streaming.

But when I am actually out in the field working (making real money) my phone's data access is REQUIRED to perform my job, which is also how I get you guys paid. Data around the ports, PARTICULARLY ALONG THE HOUSTON SHIP CHANNEL is so bad that I can't get a web page up using the hotspot or the USB tethering options. And this is what my company requires. I downloaded a 122Mb firmware file (3 times because the first two had real bad errors in them) and it took almost 45 minutes. That was after I reloaded and reloaded the links to even get to the file.

Customer Service Rep

We appreciate the additional details, and we want to make sure your device is working correctly at all times. What does your signal normally show when you are not connected to Wi-Fi? Also, we would like you to reset the network on your device, you can find the steps here:



Enthusiast - Level 1

I am in SoCal and experiencing the same issues with slow data downloads. It is particularly bad indoors, when I described this problem to a Verizon Tech,  the wisdom provided was to go outdoors to access data. Really! I have been a Verizon customer for 16 years, and it will soon come to an end if Verizon can't or won't fix this problem. The least Verizon can do is come clean with what the problem is and how they will fix it, rather than telling me the problem is on my side of the phone when so many others are experiencing the same issue. 

Customer Service Rep

We do show that our towers in your area seem to be working as expected with no alarms. Although the towers are functioning properly, that doesn't mean that issues don't exist. Your ability to receive optimal signal will be based on your distance from the cell site, if the site has a clear line of sight to your location that would allow the Radio Frequency (RF) signal to penetrate into your area, terrain and tree foliage (heavier foliage does obstruct RF signal), new construction in the area among other environmental factors.( just to name a few but not limited to only these) see below


That said how is the service when you are not in your home?


Moderator Emeritus

Due to the age of this thread, it will be locked in order to keep discussions current. If you have the same or a similar question/issue we invite you to start a new thread on the topic.
