Terrible Data Service Since June in 23872

Ever since June this year, our data service is terrible. Signal has dropped from -72db to -110db. Download speeds in this area used to be around 12-14 mbps now I barely get 3 mbps. Upload speeds are non existent and ping times are up to over 100 ms from 30ms to anywhere. Nothing has chnaged in my area since June. My phone, my parents' phones, and my MiFi 6620L are all affected indoors and outdoors.

Further testing results: I work in an area with the same signal strength of -105db, on a different tower. Speed tests reveal 6.5 mpbs down and 6.5 mpbs up. My home tower still shows -102db and speeds of 5 mpbs down and 0.2 mpbs up. I do not believe distance is an issue as it hasn't been in the past. I would appreciate Verizon looking into the matter.

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3 Replies
Champion - Level 3

You could open a service ticket, however it may be put on the back burner considering you do have service, just not the speeds you'd like. Verizon will go to the tower, look for any issues or causes of interference, but chances are good it won't change anything. There are too many variables of what could be affecting your speed. Service coverage is a circle, so anything happening within that circle; new housing, more people, more buildings etc. can have that effect. You may not see any new buildings, new homes, more people in your area, but again you've got to think 360 around that tower.


The download speed is not the problem, it is the upload speed. I live in a farming community. The only changes that have occurred in our rural area are the trees have that have been cut down (which I would think would have improved things given the lack of signal absorbing trees).

I'm not complaining about the download speeds as much as the upload speeds. The fact is, I cannot actually use my data because the upload portion is broken, making it nearly impossible to send SYN packets from my devices. Because of this, it takes 5 minutes or longer to load a single webpage IF I can load it at all.

I had initiated a service request before but never received a response after I was told I would have one which is why I am posting here again. I am exhausting all my options until I get an answer from Verizon.

Champion - Level 3

Chances are good the tower isn't out that way, but closer to a main city. If you think to, I would check the upload speeds later in the evening as well or if you get up early, really early in the AM and see if that changes.

The quickest way to start a second service ticket is via chat. They may have not looked into it still.
