The best 4G phone from Verizon
Enthusiast - Level 2

Hello, I can upgrade my phone in November. What would be the best 4G phone ? I jabe the motorola droid 1 right now and i like it. The droid 3 does not have 4G. I dont know wich one to pick. They all look good. Does anyone have some suggestion about a fast and good 4G phone?



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6 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

Well right not that is up in the AIR, I would not rush into any new phone with VZW right now. They are not standing behind the Motorola Bionic at this time with all the problems. 1/2 the time they flat out say there are no problems. Your already on this foum so you are staying pre informed on that if you look around. The hot phone coming out should be the NEXUS PRIME. Motorola's RAZR is coming soon but unknown if it will have problems. Do not depend on the tech magazines to talk about any problems with the phones because the simply don't. Engaget, CNET, Android NEWs are a waste of time. The forums are your best bet.

IF...IF you can wait a little bit for your upgrade you would do well. Check the forums for problems before you buy. Bionic is having so many problems now as is the 4g network as well. Most of the network coverage is a lie at this time. I am in a 4g area but have to drive 5 miles west to get a single signal on 4g. Thats my best advice. Wait and read.

Fast phones RAZR and NEXUS Prime, Decent phones if they get the glitches fixed Bionic. Tried and true work most of the time are Charge and Thunderbolt. The new ICS is not coming to many phones so only new ones will have that.


I would be careful getting a droid from Verizon.  I got one on September 22.  The morning of October 19, it would not go past the opening screen.  I went into a Verizon store and they told me I would have to send the phone back.  We were away from home and I was in need of a phone immediately.  I called Customer Support and they overnighted me a phone.  It was a REBUILT phone.  I paid $299 for a new phone and less than 30 days later the phone was bad and was replaced with a rebuilt phone.  The customer service representative told me that this is a problem (not going past the opening screen) with this phone.   I think there might be more bugs in this phone that need to be worked out.

Enthusiast - Level 2

WOW I would be angry as well. NOW how do you have rebuilt phones less than a month out for BIONICs? I hear this and wonder how many phones were brought back and put into service. They simply do not work as they should. Moto should have scrapped the whole thing when they pulled the first one. Sorry to hear about your phone demise.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Have you posted on BIONIC forums too? Just curious

Enthusiast - Level 2

Thanks for the info all of you. Maybye i should wait for the google nexus. Or maybye the iphone. It does not have 4G but the quality i thinkis very good. I can wait a  few more weeks so thats no problem



i'm sorry. did someone say iphone? too proprietary for me!! i would stay away from moto and go with the galaxy nexus. as far as iphone, i wouldn't want to pay for there overpriced cables and accessories. 
