Verizon Coverage Map Is a Lie....ATT has faster Speeds

the coverage map for my address says that I have 4glte coverage and not extended, but rarely get it...When I do get im barely making 5mb, but my roommate is getting 14-25 4glte with att..So horrible...My contract is up in another 2 months....I think I will be heading to ATT...People be aware of verizon 4glte coverage in more places because it doesnt take much to make that claim when you throw in the extended coverage which means it has to atleast hit once out of a day...and the speeds are slower than att 3g speeds which constantly gets 7mb....Just sad....Im in the Acworth,GA.30102 area

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5 Replies

The AT&T tower might be closer, less congested or any other number of reasons.

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.

Newbie what is your reply to verizon side of the fence

Enthusiast - Level 1

Looking through the various conversations going here, the 4G data speeds seem to be a near universal issue with every metropolitan area.  I'm in Minneapolis and have not had useable 4G service since before summer.  The frustrating part is that when I call Verizon, they act like it's news to them... but when I go into the Verizon store right down the street from my office, they are fully aware of the issue and have told me there is no ETA on a fix.  Network saturation is to blame... this, to me, is a veiled way of saying "poor planning on our part is to blame."  I think it's interesting that ATT's commercials have recently added "and now the most reliable 4G service."  Not hard to believe.  Everyone that I work with that has Verizon has unusable data, but everyone with ATT has great speeds (like 4G should be).

My contract is up, and I'm just waiting for some new phones to be released.  Once the right one is released, I'm jumping ship.  Just haven't decided where I'm going.  Having unusable data for 50+ hours/week with no end in sight isn't what I'm paying for...

Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm having the same problem but I do live in an extended 4g area and if the conditions are right, and if I'm in the right spot then I "might" get 4g. That rarely happens and when it do happens, the 4G will last for about 5 to 10 minutes, sometimes less than that and then switch back to 3G. It use to be a Verizon store where I lived but they packed up and left without warning anyone. I think I live in an area where not many people has Verizon Wireless service but the coverage is excellent.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Also, At&t where I live has 4g lte and it gets speeds up to 20mbs while if and when I get 4g in my extended area, it gets up to 5mbs which rarely happens if the conditions are right and if I'm in the right spot.
