Voicemail quit working, asks for Mailbox number
Enthusiast - Level 1

I have two identical Motorola G Pure phones one is my late wife's which I am using as my main phone because it was my old landline number. It had her voice on it so I wanted to keep her message on the voicemail , it quit working a couple months ago. Now when I try to re setup the voicemail it asks for a voice mailbox number which I assume is the 10 digit phone number I enter it and it says " xxx-xxx-xxxx" is not a valid mailbox number . The phone works fine otherwise.  my other  identical phone with the same software versions and updates  it asks for my 4digit pin and # like it always did . any ideas?  I am bummed I lost her voice, but it would be nice to access my voicemail. if i call from my other phone it is asking for the voice mailbox number again . Any I deas?  I have tried pulling the sim out and restarting and had it reset by  Red Pocket  (verizon CDMA plans), still no luck.

Thanks for any help...


3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Oh, dear, boathead! We want to help restore functionality to your voicemail box. And we are so sorry to hear about your wife! Our condolences! Please, look for the Private Note we sent you, so we can help!



Enthusiast - Level 1

I'm having the same issue.. please help!

Customer Service Rep

We're sorry to hear that you're having the same issue. What model device are you experiencing the problem with? What happens when you try to access your voicemail using the Voicemail app on your phone?
