$200 Amazon Gift card
Enthusiast - Level 1

I signed up for Verizon home internet the week of Thanksgiving.  I received an email stating that I was eligible for a $200 Amazon gift card as part of a current promotion.  I followed the steps spelled out in the email to redeem the reward and got a confirmation that the e-card would be sent to my email within 24-48 hours.  It has been nearly two weeks, and I've received nothing.  

I have spoken to agents inquiring about this and keep getting different answers, but still no gift card.  What is going on?  Why have a promotion if you aren't going to follow through with it?  

3 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 1

My activation date of the home internet was 11/30. It’s been a week and no signs of the gift card. 

Customer Service Rep

Hey, Dcor87, thanks for reaching out. Congrats on your new Home Internet, I hope everything is working well. We defintiely want to make sure you receive your Amazon gift card. To make sure we're on the same page, did you receive an email to redeem your offer? If so, were you able to complete the steps to redeem your reward?


Customer Service Rep

meganyoung24, we're sorry to hear about the trouble you're running into with your Amazon gift card promotion. We'd be happy to take a closer look at your account, and review the latest remarks, so we can find out what's going on with your offer. To better assist, we'll be sending a Private Note. 

