$200 Target Gift Card rebate

Enthusiast - Level 1

Opened up a new phone line today and also got the 5G home internet. Was also told I’d get a $200 rebate for target. It even shows it on my receipt, however no promotion code  is listed. I’m a little worried about how vague the process of getting a gift card rebate. I’ve look up numerous Q&A’s but there is no straight answer. Every representative only seems to send direct messsges to the person asking the question. My question is, how do I find my promotion code? Step by step, cause being told to just go to My Verizon isn’t very clear cut. I’d also prefer a public answer instead of a direct message as there are many people like myself looking for this exact answer. 

1 Solution
Customer Service Rep

Jay__ We want to help you redeem this Target gift card offer. These are the instructions to redeem.


1 Visit vzw.com/rebate.
2 Enter the purchase date and promo code FWTAGC200.

Enter the appropriate information:

  • Email address and confirmation
  • Phone number assigned to the new 5G Home Equipment (you can find this under account details on the My Verizon app or vzw.com/myverizon)
  • Confirm phone number
  • First/Last Name
4 Submit the offer redemption within 60 days of activation.

You will receive the Target GiftCard via email within 8 weeks of submission.



This is the process to follow if you do not have the offer on your My Verizon account. ~Peter

View solution in original post

209 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Jay__ We want to help you redeem this Target gift card offer. These are the instructions to redeem.


1 Visit vzw.com/rebate.
2 Enter the purchase date and promo code FWTAGC200.

Enter the appropriate information:

  • Email address and confirmation
  • Phone number assigned to the new 5G Home Equipment (you can find this under account details on the My Verizon app or vzw.com/myverizon)
  • Confirm phone number
  • First/Last Name
4 Submit the offer redemption within 60 days of activation.

You will receive the Target GiftCard via email within 8 weeks of submission.



This is the process to follow if you do not have the offer on your My Verizon account. ~Peter

Enthusiast - Level 1

I have tried this resolution and it keeps telling me that the promo code and date can’t be found.  I’m using g the date from the  receipt.  Still need help. 

Customer Service Rep

Help is still here. I have sent you a Private Message for further assistance, Kab96. 


Enthusiast - Level 1

I got home internet  with promotion for the target gift card and never received it got home internet added and activated on 01/18/2024 tried code above and not working for me 

Customer Service Rep

Jlove88, we want to make sure you get your gift card. We're sending you a Private Message so we can help.


Enthusiast - Level 2

I'm having this problem too. My purchase date was 1/25 and my 5G Home Internet was activated on 01/31 as we hadn't even moved in yet but wanted to activate within 14 days as instructed. A Verizon rep said that was necessary as well as having good standing for 45 days and to register within 60 days for the card. However the rep did not provide a link to register nor an activation code. I echo many others in saying the way these promotions are being handled feels like a bait and switch with a scavenger hunt to redeem our offers. Please help make this right Verizon.

Edit: forgot to mention i tried the code with the date of purchase and I got the same error

Customer Service Rep
@jb159753  wrote: 'm having this problem too. My purchase date was 1/25 and my 5G Home Internet was activated on 01/31 as we hadn't even moved in yet but wanted to activate within 14 days as instructed. A Verizon rep said that was necessary as well as having good standing for 45 days and to register within 60 days for the card. However the rep did not provide a link to register nor an activation code. I echo many others in saying the way these promotions are being handled feels like a bait and switch with a scavenger hunt to redeem our offers. Please help make this right Verizon.

I know how important these types of promotions are for me when I am looking at a service, or to make a purchase, jb159753. Based on your purchase date, you're past the 45-day period. If you haven't received any steps yet to process the redemeption, the steps that Peter provided above would be the best way to redeem this offer. What happens when you follow those steps?


Enthusiast - Level 2

Hi Joseph,

When entering the promo code listed with the date of 01/25 (purchased date) from the link listed above I get this error:

"The submission period for the offer you entered has ended."

Something else worth noting is before I sought answers for redeeming the card the first time, I Googled this question shortly after I activated the 5G home internet. Supposedly something was supposed to appear from within My Verizon under the home offers or something like that. I periodically checked and could not find this anywhere, which is when I finally reached out and the rep told me about the account needing to be in good standing for 45 days.  At the time, I know it hadn't been 45 days yet at the time (I haven't even had my first new Bill) so I figured that's why it wasn't showing up. Now that I know it's been past 45 days and have paid the new bill,  I Googled to see if anyone else was having this problem and it appears I'm not alone.

Customer Service Rep

Thank you for the insights. If you don't mind me asking, when did you attempt to redeem the first time after the purchase date?


Enthusiast - Level 2

Hi Maria, I first attempted to see if some sort of promotion would appear in My Verizon a little bit after I got the system activated in the house we were moving into, I'd say probably within a week after that (we were busy moving after all).  The instructions for redeeming from within My Verizon was listed on some sort of Verizon FAQ page and that was what I was initially following. This was still before I had paid my first updated bill. When I didn't see anything appear anywhere within My Verizon for redeeming the card (periodically checking over the next two weeks), that's when I reached out and chatted with the rep who then let me know about the 45 days good standing and redeeming within 60 days. No mention of a link or promo code during that conversation. I had assumed that because it hadn't been 45 days yet (not even paying my first updated bill ) that could be the reason nothing appeared to redeem within My Verizon. Once I paid the updated bill I kept looking for it to appear per the Verizon FAQ instructions and nothing appeared, which then led me to searching for answers and this led me to this thread.

Customer Service Rep

jb159753, we're going to make sure you get your gift card rebate. We're sending you a Private Message so we can gather more details regarding that rebate and better assist. Please be on the lookout for that message.


Customer Service Rep


I'm sorry we missed you. Please send us a private message or contact us here: https://www.verizon.com/support/contact-us/ -Joe

Enthusiast - Level 1

I have same problem. Got today 5G home internet and can’t find how to get the 200$ Target gift card. 

Customer Service Rep

We're here to help with your concern regarding the gift card. We'll be sending a private message. ~Peter

Customer Service Rep

We are doing a courtesy follow up on our previous message. If you still need assistance, let us know, and we'll be glad to help out.


Enthusiast - Level 1

I've benn waiting for a private message since yesterday and still haven't received one. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

I’m having the same problem. Can someone please message me? I am well within the 60 day timeline. 

Enthusiast - Level 1

Same thing happens for me. What is the solution? Is there one?

Customer Service Rep

Thank you for reaching out. What happens when you follow the steps under the solution on page one? 


Enthusiast - Level 1

I attempted to submit for my $200 rebate multiple times and I kept getting an exception that said the time limit to submit was exceeded. I had not gotten any notice of how to submit so I had to do extensive searching and got very vague responses on how to submit for the rebate. Each time I tried to go thru Verizon to get information I was always led to some link where it confused me even more and gave unimportant information. I literally had to go to  Reddit to see how to submit for the rebate. Eventually when I figured it out it said too soon and now it’s too late. This really needs to be better handled by Verizon, the promotion is very misleading.