5G Home Internet - cannot pick up equipment at VZ Store before Order will be canceled.

I’m likely screwed here by what I’ve done to myself, but here goes. 

I placed an order for 5G Home Internet with equipment pickup at a local Verizon Store. 

What I failed to realize was that the fuse to pickup the equipment would be so short. I’m out of town on vacation and in my zealousness ordered the day it became available at my home.

I ordered on Mon., 4/22. The equipment needs to be picked up by Thurs ., 4/25 or the order will be canceled. 

I tried reaching out to VZ yesterday via chat, customer customer by phone and VZ Support via Twitter/X. Everyone was quite friendly but unwilling or unable to help. I thought could get someone to reach out to the store to stick a note on my order saying hold until I’m back on in Mon., 4/29. 

Not sure employees are in these forums officially or unofficially that might take me up on my plight.
Since I haven’t activated the service, I can not add anyone to the account say as an account manager who I could send to do the pickup. Since this would be my only VZ service, the customer service folks can’t even find me as a customer. 

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