5g on the way, now my XBOX ON HOLD ? why?

I ordered 5g total home plus, anyways they ship off my modem and such, then i get an email to redeem my offer ; I proceed with the XBOX offer, anyways I get an email last night that my home internet modem is otw, but my XBOX, is on hold pending verification.  Now, I understand verification, but real convenient they allow me to order my modem and the monthly bill tacked along with it, then they hit me with this after I order the offer they dangled in front of my face. Starting to feel a little ripped off.  Anyone had a similar happening,?

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

I know I would be eager to get  my free Xbox as well, wwarner405. The great news is that we are here to help. I know if we were to order an Xbox Series S right now today, there is a backorder with new orders expecting shipment by 12/15. This might also be affecting your order, and we would be happy to take a look. Please be on the lookout for a private note from us so we can review.
