How can I push - System 8 update on my router? I have been down for a month now because of the passthrough/DMZ issue.
Enthusiast - Level 2

I am currently on with ASK-NCQ1338 and passthrough or DMZ causes all kinds of issues. Well known since 2023, it's about time for a fix I would think. Funny thing is website is one of the sites that do not work. Please either allow us to hold off on updates, work out issues before pushing updates, or allow us to update ourselves. Even without using passthrough, things like downloading files are hit or miss. Maybe Verizon is trying to get me to quit because I'm locked in and they can't boot me?

I'm using a Unifi Dream Machine as my main router so MTU settings are not an option for me.

6 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

Still no update for me, I guess a random push will come eventually? I tried calling support but my call was dropped after waiting 30 min

Contributor - Level 3

I'm in the same boat. I wish you the best!

I've tried the MTU changing and it all made it worse.  I am able to --set-mss 1380 in my router and that helps - but it gets reset often and is not a great workaround - and doesn't fix the issue 100%.

Customer Service Rep

ricky_graber We definitely understand the need for this update. The device will update on its own, and as of now there is no way to force it. Have you tried disconnecting it and having it reboot? ~Peter

Enthusiast - Level 2

Yes multiple times. I restart regularly hoping it somehow updates.

I find it really hard to believe that an update cannot be pushed to a network device. If that is in fact the case, what does that say about Verizon, a tech company in 2024? A known issue for over a year and an update cannot be pushed to an always connected device?

Maybe Starlink is the answer so my home network can actually function properly this year.

Customer Service Rep

Thank you for this information. The device should have updated on its own, it should be automatic. Have you been having any issues with disconnections or slow speeds? Peter


Contributor - Level 2

This is an issue with many, many posts. Apparently, the update is completely automatic and there is nothing we can do to change that. The Verizon agents trying to help on this topic have clearly stated they have no control over when the updates are pushed to devices.

Given the update you, me, and a lot of other people are waiting for was released almost 6 months ago, I asked for escalation on this issue in another discussion thread. No response yet.

Put bluntly, Verizon does not have enough 5G Home Internet customers that it would take 6 months to roll-out updates. Think of how many cellphone updates that carriers like Verizon have to push out to phones. Those are released monthly on modern smartphones and they don't have this kind of deployment issue.

Basically, I think we're just stuck for now until the hardware vendor (Askey) or the service provider (Verizon) take ownership of the issue and work to resolve it.