Verizon Home 5G - LTE Speed

I've had Verizon's 5G home internet now for 3 months and have been dealing with an ongoing issue where I'm only getting LTE download speeds between 15-50 mbs. I'll run through my app's troubleshooting steps and restart my router. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 restarts, but miraculously I will start seeing speeds as advertised between 150-300 mps. It's short lived, though, as usually within 5-10 minutes I'm back down to 15-50 MPS. Any idea why my router won't keep the 5G signal? I've had Verizon send me a new box, I've tried several different locations in the house, with the same experience. 

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

Let's make sure you're getting the best data speeds possible. The last thing we want is for you to have to keep restarting your router. We're going to send you a Private Note so we can gather more details.
