Poor Service

Enthusiast - Level 2

I've had Verizon Wireless for 20+ years and have never had any issues, that's why I've never switched.   Over the past 2 months or so I've had terrible service at my home (NW Ohio / SE Michigan) which had never been an issue before.  I've talked to a quite a few family members and friends who live in the general area and all have said the same.  Not sure if this is a known issue on Verizon's end?  My service is so bad at home, I have a few bars of 4G and any text messages with pics or GIFs will not send at all, or take multiple minutes to go through. 

11 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 1

My service has deteriorated in the Mid Atlantic & Northeast to the point where I am considering switching providers as well. The GPS works however my inability to get data transferred and have service for voice calls has greatly increased. Others I know have experienced the same degradation in their service. I agree this is a recent change in quality of service perhaps over the last year.

Customer Service Rep

We're sorry to read that you're having issues with your service. Have there been any changes to the device? What kind of signal is your device showing. ~Peter

Customer Service Rep

We're sorry to read  that you're having issues with your service. Have there been any changes in your area? How far from your location do you have to travel to get service? ~Peter

Enthusiast - Level 1

I too have noticed a decrease in internet speeds when off wifi. I have been with Verizon for over a decade and have never had too much of an issue but in the last 3-6 months i have stopped getting service in places i used to have no problem with. I have been able to load social media and videos while in my office for years and in the last 3 months it just gives me full bars of LTE and the simplest of snapchats or gifs will not load unless i go outside and restart my phone so it picks up 5G. I am based out of louisville kentucky. 

Enthusiast - Level 2

Yep, pretty much same experience here in Toledo, OH area. 

Customer Service Rep

We want to make sure that your services are working properly at all times, and we will be glad to help. We contacted you on Private Note to further assist you. ~Geo

Customer Service Rep

Hi Ccrutch9 we're like to gather more details so we'll be sending a Private Note. 



Southeast Michigan here, and my coverage has gone down the toilet! I am in Farmington right now and I barely have any coverage. In my home in Canton, I cannot text my sister and mother pictures who have droids because my phone doesnโ€™t work unless itโ€™s on Wi-Fi, therefore, it will only send iMessages. I have had Verizon since I first got a cell phone for well over 12 years now I think and it has never been this bad. I am searching for a company with better coverage. That does not use Verizon towers because Verizon  obviously canโ€™t keep up with the people  these days.   

Enthusiast - Level 2

I'm in Temperance, MI (basically Toledo). Sounds exactly like my issues.  It never used to be this bad. Probably the last 3-4 months it's basically unusable at home.  

Customer Service Rep

We understand the importance of staying connected at all times, and we will be glad to assist. We sent a Private Note to continue assisting you.~Geo

Customer Service Rep


Please send us a message if you need assistance. We will be here. -Joe