Report dead zone
Enthusiast - Level 2

Hi - I would like to report a serious dead zone for Verizon in a busy commercial and institutional area of Mamaroneck, NY. It is centered on the Stop & Shop supermarket at 1326 W Boston Post Rd, Mamaroneck, NY 10543. Multiple schools (kids) and shopping establishments exist in this area, and the lack of 5G service often means next to no actual service or bars for phone users here. Hoping someone can suggest how to get Verizon to address?

8 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello, hommocks. Thanks so much for reaching out to us regarding the service concerns. Help is here. Please tell me more as it is important that we pinpoint this issue. Do you have issues with signal while indoors? If yes, how far from the location in question must you go before you notice a positive change in service? 


Enthusiast - Level 2

Hi - thanks for your response. We have issues with signal both indoors and outdoors. Verizon and Visible customers have the worst service (no signal) in this area. Even AT&T customers get more bars than we do. One has to drive probably 0.5 miles in each direction to get away from this dead zone. It is a large area. The dead zone stretches at least the Stop & Shop supermarket (1326 W Boston Post Rd, Mamaroneck, NY 10543) to a nearby Trader Joe's (1260 W Boston Post Rd, Larchmont, NY 10538). I would say this is a good quarter-mile radius dead zone. I think Verizon needs to put in some antenna in this area ASAP. Please let me know what else you need to resolve this. Thank you!

Customer Service Rep


Thanks for getting back to us. We can definitely lift this up. Are you a current Verizon Wireless customer? When did this start? -Joe

Enthusiast - Level 2

This zone has had a problem at least since I first moved to the Mamaroneck, NY area, which was 2021. I am a FiOS customer and a Visible customer. Visible is a Verizon company / uses Verizon's network. The first question every Trader Joe's employee asked me one night recently when I had trouble texting and calling my wife from the store (which is in the dead zone) was "Do you have Verizon?"


The area of Pleasant Grove High School located at 9531 Bond Rd, Elk Grove, CA 95624 is a dead zone for all Verizon Wireless users. T-Mobile works fine there but not Verizon. Please look into this. 


I think it would be good to screen shot this dead zone signal and with Google map, pinpointing the location, this will help Verizon to look into it more quickly. This is my 2 cents thoughts , hope to sped up that with this Verizon can quickly resolve the issue.

Customer Service Rep

We appreciate you lifting this to us, HollyCA. We understand the need for reliability in service, and we'd love to help. Please tell us, what signal do you see on your Verizon device when in the area? When did this start?


Enthusiast - Level 2

Bumping this original topic, as nothing has been fixed or updates provided re: Mamaroneck, NY dead zone.

Verizon and Visible customers have the worst service (no signal) in this area. Even AT&T customers get more bars than we do. One has to drive probably 0.5 miles in each direction to get away from this dead zone. It is a large area. The dead zone stretches at least the Stop & Shop supermarket (1326 W Boston Post Rd, Mamaroneck, NY 10543) to a nearby Trader Joe's (1260 W Boston Post Rd, Larchmont, NY 10538). I would say this is a good quarter-mile radius dead zone. I think Verizon needs to put in some antenna in this area ASAP.