Data usage is showing up when I don't use it
Enthusiast - Level 3

I was checking my data usage ( need to be aware now that I'm on 2GB a month) & I've noticed usage at all hours (3:30am, etc) & even 30 minutes before I even  received it  & signed for it Friday. I called CS but got tired of being on hold. Anyone else finding this out on theirs?

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9 Replies
Champion - Level 3

Unless you have data turned off your phone is always sending and receiving some amount of data. An example would be email (if you have push turned on it is always checking the servers). But if it's a high amount of data then you might need to single out any data rich apps that may be doing it. Also adjust your email settings and any other settings to try and cut down on the issue. If you think it's a really big problem (something more than the normal inactive data usage) then you may want to go in to an Apple or VZW store for more assistance.

The part about it having usage 30 minutes before you received it...honestly, unless your device was opened (you would know it when you opened the shipping box because the iPhone box is sealed) that seems unlikely. Perhaps the time stamp you're seeing online is not correct with the time the data use occurred. Otherwise...I have no clue.

Enthusiast - Level 3

So none of you have a significant amounts of data at times that you aren't using it? I know all the "tricks" from my iphone 4 ~ I don't have push notifications or mail set like that. I also have location notifications turned off.

Champion - Level 3

I can't answer that question because I don't have to monitor my usage...I still have unlimited so I don't have a current idea of normal small usage on my end versus something going on. I know even when I don't use it there is a small amount of data usage that occurs but I don't monitor it because it does not affect me. The difference between your iPhone 4 and your iPhone 5 may be enough to make thinking what happened on the 4 should be the same on the 5 incorrect. Like I said, if you truly feel like the issue is bigger than it should be you need to visit an Apple or VZW store (if waiting on the phone isn't something you want to do. As much as it may be annoying you have to expect longer than usual wait times with the release of the iPhone 5 just happening). There are other things that use data. Do you use Facebook, Twitter, etc? Do you have them notify you when you get a message or other things? That uses data...and isn't initiated by you. Do you have the weather, stock, etc on in the notification area? Those are using data...and if you didn't get rid of everything in there that is turned out out of the box then you do have those items running.

Specialist - Level 2

1 MB is 1/1020th of a gb. Your fine for now. You get about 1020mb in a gb. How much prorated gb do you have? I would use the my Verizon app or #data. Are you by yourself or on a share plan?

Enthusiast - Level 3

Yes it's just me on the share plan. I was on My Verizon & checked it on my Data usage. I don't have any push notifications or anything that would pull data at all hours of the night. I guess I'll just keep a close eye on it but I do plan on talking to Customer Service about this when they "slow down." It may not sound like much but in a 30 day period, it could take maybe 10-15% of mt 2GB plan. If I do go over & it's because of that, I'm sure VZ won;t want to hear about it & will bill me for another $15.

Thank you for the reply

Enthusiast - Level 2

Same problem, but worse.  Mine is downloading stuff overnight as well, but it sucked down 1.7GB  while in my pocket yesterday with no open apps.  I'm now up against my 4GB data cap after only four days.  I called customer service and they noted this on my account (I did this as soon as I got the data alert text/e-mail) and also went into a VZ store in person.  Something is going on with the combination of the iPhone 5/LTE network which is causing things to behave improperly.

Enthusiast - Level 1

Same problem here, went through over 1.7gb's of data last night while I was asleep, No apps were open and I WAS connected to a wifi network... clearly there is something seriously wrong this is a very common issue...

Enthusiast - Level 3

I had an Iphone 4 with ATT & just became a Verizon Customer Friday when I got my Iphone 5. I've noticed my phone has pulled data at times when I KNOW I haven't been using the phone ~ 3:30 am 4:15am, etc. I'm very conscious of using data (I use wifi probably 80% of the time.)  Last night I went into settings & went to Cellular & then turned OFF Cellular Data (so it only uses wifi) I did it from 10pm until 7am. I checked the data usage this morning on My Verizon & No Data was used during those hours. So, until we get an accurate answer from Apple or Verizon, I'm going to continue to do that.  I don't mind paying for my data usage but I won't pay for the "Ghost" data usage!

Enthusiast - Level 2

We spoke at length with an Apple rep last night.  We were transferred to them from a Verizon Wireless rep.  He is looking into this issue.  He stated that we should not have to turn off cellular data to prevent it from being engaged.  However, that is what we are doing for now while he is researching it for us.  It seems that all of our usage while at home on wifi is being recorded by Verizon as data usage.  Not just the partial second when the LTE might kick in, but the whole time we are surfing.  So he is looking at it and I suggest everyone who has higher than normal data usage call Apple directly. Our phones were also registering data usage in the middle of the night. 
