My iPhone 7 died last night!!
Enthusiast - Level 2

Not sure what happened but I was using my phone before bed like I normally do, plugged it in and placed it on my night stand.  This morning, alarm went off at the right time, but it was a different alarm setting than I had set.  I thought maybe I had accidentally changed it but didn't think anything weird.  When I woke, I picked up my phone and as soon as I hit an app, the screen went white.  I can't reboot it, I can't power it off. I tried connecting to iTunes but it says it can't access my phone because there's a passcode on it.  I suppose I'm off to the Apple Store later this week.  I've only had my phone since last Thursday night.  Not even a full 5 days      Ugh!!!!!!

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Enthusiast - Level 2

Let me clarify.  i have the 7+.  Not the 7
