Ten years a customer no more.


In October 2016, when the iPhone 7s came out, I did a preorder for them in store to ensure we could use Verizon's trade-in promotion. The promotion stated that when you preordered the iPhone 7 and traded in your current device, Verizon would give you a $650 credit toward the cost of the new phone (per line) that was being traded in. I traded in two iPhone 6 Pluses for two iPhone 7 Pluses. The paperwork I received to send in the iPhone 6 Pluses were both labeled with my wife's phone number (ending in 0715). I asked the Verizon agent about this and I was told that it would show up in the system as one phone for my wife's line and the second phone would be for mine (ending in 8351). I was told not to worry, the system would register that they were being traded in on two separate lines per the conditions in the promotion. Shortly after sending the phones back to Verizon I received paperwork stating that we would receive $650 on one phone but only $235 for the other. I called Verizon and I was informed that it was a problem in the system and that Verizon was aware of it and it would work itself out. In November, I received a $235 credit . I logged into my Verizon and started speaking with an agent via chat. When I explained the situation, I was told that several customers were encountering the same issue and they were working quickly to resolve it. I was then told that the credits would be corrected and would show on my next bill. Over four months I tried to get this issue fixed. Then yesterday I was informed that my paperwork was filled out incorrectly by the Verizon rep that did my trade in and he also did not submit all the paperwork. I was then told that I would have to pay back the $235 in order for them to fix the credit. I also have not received the credit for the other phone I sent in. Verizon has refused to fix this issue until I pay them $235. At this point Verizon has already received my two phones but is unwilling to fix the credit. So I filled a complaint with the BBB. They in turn contacted Verizon.

Well Scott O. from the Executive Office emailed me with he following.[Removed]

So at this point Verizon would like me to return as a customer or Verizon will keep the two iPhone 6 pluses and void the credits I should have received under the contract that I signed.

Is this the stance of Verizon at this time?

So I have yet to hear back from Scott O.

chat transcription removed as required by the Verizon Wireless Terms of Service

Message edited by Verizon Moderator

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