new iphone 5 + $70/month limited tiered 2gb/month plan = no hotspot ?? FCC rules violation?

Hello all,

I got a new iphone 5 from the verizon store in michigan. I chose the $70/month plan with 450 minutes + 2gb/month data. So it is a LTE capable phone offered by Verizon on a limited tiered data plan.

Now according to the FCC decision, Verizon is not supposed to block hotspot tethering on this plan on a phone which uses the LTE spectrum. (details here:

However, I am unable to enable the hotspot or tethering feature. When I try to enable personal hotspot, it shows a popup on the screen saying "contact verizon" by either going to the website or calling them.

This is contrary to the verizon obligations under the FCC requirements. I have written a letter to verizon but haven't heard back from them. Its obvious that the hotspot has not been provisioned on this account but why I don't know.

Is anyone else having the same problem? If so, did you get it resolved?


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60 Replies

"Verizon can do what they want." - unfortunately for you, they cannot. They have to follow the law, thankfully.

Seriously, whats up with some customers on this forum, constantly supporting illegal practices? Do you even know there exists something called federal agencies and laws and rules and regulations? corporations, however big, have to obey each and every letter of the law - not pick n choose.

I am really surprised by some people's attitude here. I am sure they are ok with anything the carriers say - hey your ETF is now $1000, or hey your minutes are now $100/minute extra. You can be ok with such practices, I am not. And I think the FCC sides with me and the rest of the community at large.

Specialist - Level 1

When I first bought my Razr M, USB tethering WORKED on the 2 Gig plan, but the Hotspot and BlueTooth did not. Now I got the JB update and the USB tethering was also blocked as were the other 2 pipes. And I still say it's outrageous that I can't tether on a 2 gig "classic" plan but I CAN on a 1 Gig or even a 300 Meg Share Everything plan, and even tablets can tether on their "classic" 2 Gig plans. Total inconsistency here. 

And if $50 on the Share Everything plan gets me UNL T&T along with 1 gig w/tethering, then just exactly what does that $40 "access fee" buy me? Seems to me the FCC should be looking into these dubious "bill pads" as well.

If that $50 buys me the whole enchilada then that "access fee" should either be a nominal $10 per line, or non-existent.

All these "Share Plans" do is net Verizon/AT&T an extra $30-$40 per month per user than what they were getting before.

Verizon can do whatever they want? I don't think so. Government regulation exists so that the public welfare is not abused and compromised in favor of rapacious financial expectations and demands of greedy investors.


You are grandfathered into what you agreed to before.  If you are on an older plan then you are not part of the new agreement with the FCC.  It is like building a building before 1983 here in Hawaii.  Those buildings before 1983 do not have to have dual wall construction, but they also do not get the benefit of certain tax breaks.  One can always rebuild and then get those tax breaks. 


But mine is not any grandfathered plan. I became a new verizon customer on oct 19th.

Not applicable

electronicsguy wrote:

But mine is not any grandfathered plan. I became a new verizon customer on oct 19th.

Then you should be on Share Everything which includes hotspot.


I could, but I should not HAVE to..thats the principle of the thing... Verizon should be following the rules, its as simple as that.

Not applicable

electronicsguy wrote:

I could, but I should not HAVE to..thats the principle of the thing... Verizon should be following the rules, its as simple as that.

What rules are they not following? If you're on Share Everything you SHOULD have hotspot. Now do you or don't you?

Not applicable

Under the terms of today’s settlement, Verizon Wireless will make a voluntary payment to the Treasury

in the amount of $1.25 million, and has committed to notifying the application store operator that it no

longer objects to the availability of the tethering applications to C-Block network customers in the

operator’s online market. Verizon Wireless has also agreed to implement a compliance plan, requiring


OK that part just states that 3rd party tethering apps can be download form Google Play, Itunes etc

In addition, the company recently revised its service offerings such that consumers on usage-based

pricing plans may tether, using any application, without paying an additional fee.

Yes the "revised service offerings" is Share Everything and the FCC CLEARLY states they are OK with that.

Nowhere does it say that Verizon MUST offer tethering for free on OLDER plans.


atleast you agreed to 1 point  I made.

now lets go back to what you wrote:

"OK that part just states that 3rd party tethering apps can be download form Google Play, Itunes etc" -

there's no mention of 3rd party.

The iphone has built-in hotspot app. iphone cannot load unsigned 3rd party apps. and there is no other hotspot app in the official app store.

these 3 points taken together mean: verizon should unlock the hotspot app as built-in in the phone.

Not applicable

electronicsguy wrote:

atleast you agreed to 1 point  I made.

now lets go back to what you wrote:

"OK that part just states that 3rd party tethering apps can be download form Google Play, Itunes etc" -

there's no mention of 3rd party.

The iphone has built-in hotspot app. iphone cannot load unsigned 3rd party apps. and there is no other hotspot app in the official app store.

these 3 points taken together mean: verizon should unlock the hotspot app as built-in in the phone.

has committed to notifying the application store operator that it no longer objects to the availability of the tethering applications to C-Block network customers in the operator’s online market

Verizon was blocking 3rd party tethering apps from being in the Google Play Store. Verizon agreed to stop doing that and that is what this is referring too.

I noticed you didn't even comment on the 2nd part.


Verizon is also blocking first party app... the inbuilt hotspot using their carrier settings.

what is your argument to that?

"open" network rules means just that - "open".. inbuilt app sold by the iphone by verizon also falls under that category.

Not applicable

electronicsguy wrote:

Verizon is also blocking first party app... the inbuilt hotspot using their carrier settings.

what is your argument to that?

It's not blocked if you're on Share Everything.


Brian, please do me a favour and don't reply to me anymore.

Specialist - Level 2

I did and they said its suppose to be given all new customers get everything plan but depending on who you get there's a chance you could get the old plan. No I am not a third party Vzw rep. Best buy won't even do the old plans. They are told to do everything plan. If you want teathering jump up to hotspot/data or everything plan. Vzw is not going to change.


Well I was talking to Brian, not you.

The stores have more access to internal plans than what is offered online, which I made clear like a 100 times now.

Verizon will have to follow the rules. If they "need" to change because of that, then so be it.

Not applicable

electronicsguy wrote:

Well I was talking to Brian, not you.

The stores have more access to internal plans than what is offered online, which I made clear like a 100 times now.

Verizon will have to follow the rules. If they "need" to change because of that, then so be it.

Verizon IS following the rules. You have 3 choices.

A) Stay on your current plan and add tethering for $20

B) Switch to Share Everything

C) Download a 3rd party tethering app and use it and hope Verizon doesn't catch you.


I will do none of that Brian, since I don't need to.

and i don't need to do any sneaky things like you.

But verizon does need to follow FCC rules, which they dont seem to.

Are you out of any other conspiracy theories or do you have any more of those to make, rather than cogent arguments?


If you are on the old plan you are under the old terms regardless of when you signed the contract. If you agreed to the new terms you would have never been on the old plan.


I am not on any 'old' or 'new' plan.

I am on 'a' plan and contract was signed in october, when the rules were in place.

the rules make no oblique reference to: hey verizon, we give you leeway for older plans, etc.

Not applicable

electronicsguy wrote:

I am not on any 'old' or 'new' plan.

I am on 'a' plan and contract was signed in october, when the rules were in place.

the rules make no oblique reference to: hey verizon, we give you leeway for older plans, etc.

Please post a PDF of said contract.


I already sent it to Vzw corporate, so lets see their position on this.

>Rest of post deleted<

Message was edited by: Verizon Moderator
