why a data spike for 5s phone?

There was a sudden 5gb data useage on my account within a matter of a few minutes - supposidly coming from my son's phone.  He was sitting right next to me doing his homework with his phone in his pocket.   We have a 3gb plan and every month barely use 1.5gb,  and suddenly within minutes we used over 5gb?   I received a usage alert while sitting with my son saying we had used 75% of monthly data (5 days in), then 1 minute later another alert that we had used 90% of usage,  3 minutes later another alert, we had used all data,  then another alert that we had used 90% of first overage,  and then a couple minutes later the last alert that we had used 90% of second overage.   What?    And then suddenly the alerts stopped and no more data was used?  We didn't do anything different but somehow all this supposed data useage stopped?   The woman in tech I talked with was very flustered and kept saying the same thing over and over again implying that my son was doing something that was using all that data.   Can data even be used that fast?   If only all data downloaded that fast.   What a scam.  Can't wait until our contract is up.  #verizondatascam

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Re: why a data spike for 5s phone?

You can blow thru a gig in a matter of a couple minutes on XLTE.

(1 gigabyte) / (50 Mbps) =

2.66666667 minutes

Data reporting times also lag behind and the time you get the notification or see the use on a detailed line means it's usually too late.