Account issues and $50 restocking fee terrible service

I tried on the promos over the weekend. I ported in a line and ordered a new IP11 max. I picked it up at an authorized retailer. They gave me phone, that was retagged colors, (i ordered grey and someone wrote black on box) Something shady about it. When I questioned it, they wanted nothing to do with me, and told me go to corp store.

I went to corp store and they put my number on this phone. I have since returned the IP11 since the volume wasn't too good, and they charged me a $50 restocking fee. Corp store didn't want to do it either, they were telling me go back to retailer.

Now, the portal says my old phone, an IP7 is under contract. IT IS NOT. I have had that phone for years, and own it outright.

What happened to the VZW satifaction guarantee?

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2 Replies
Specialist - Level 3

Black iPhones are called "Space Gray" -- it's been that way for years. When you get something from an indirect store, you have to deal with them. Not really a fan of stores, but I'd never suggest anything other than a corporate one if you must go to one.

Chances are your phone line still has a device payment for the phone you returned, not a contract on the 7. Indirect stores are really awful in doing anything right.

What happened is you went to a bad store.

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Community Leader

I'm still trying to wrap my head around choosing the pick up a new phone at a third party retailer and not a corporate store. 


Purchases made at a retailer need to be addressed at that retailer. 

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.
