Beware buying insurance for cracked screen repairs
Enthusiast - Level 1

Asurion is a hoax when it comes to cracked screen repairs.  They will bait and switch you to replacing the phone for $200 instead of allowing a $29 screen repair by saying "it isn't available" for your billing zip code.  I was even willing to drive to a service location in a larger city, but they won't allow it.  They are saying I must trade out my phone, possibly for a refurbished one, if I want to get it fixed under the insurance.

I'll be cancelling my "insurance" as soon as possible.

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2 Replies
Verified Partner

Unfortunately, screen repair options is not guaranteed to always be available. It is based on inventory of parts as well as the availability of servicers. We understand your frustrations. The monthly premium that you pay is to receive a replacement device. The screen repair is an added inclusion. Per your terms and conditions screen repair is not available on all devices or in all locations. We are happy to check your availabilty. Please private message us your mobile number so we can take a look. -Jean

Specialist - Level 1

@a_phone_mom wrote:

Asurion is a hoax when it comes to cracked screen repairs.  They will bait and switch you to replacing the phone for $200 instead of allowing a $29 screen repair by saying "it isn't available" for your billing zip code.  I was even willing to drive to a service location in a larger city, but they won't allow it.  They are saying I must trade out my phone, possibly for a refurbished one, if I want to get it fixed under the insurance.

I'll be cancelling my "insurance" as soon as possible.

The insurance was always there for the sake of replacements. The Asurion rep is correct, screen repairs were an add-on that's fairly new.


It's kind of like a Costco membership. You buy into it for shopping, the gas is side perk. This is what the $29 screen repair is, a side perk.


iPhone users should be using Apple Care anyway.
