CRITICAL - Transferred from AT&T and iPhone 12 has two numbers
Enthusiast - Level 1


We have been waiting 3 months to talk to a gastroenterology expert over the phone. We just ported my wife's phone, and, in addition to her old 831 area code number, she now has a local 808 number that was supposed to have been temporary so we could get the BOGO deal.


I see there's an option to delete the 808 number, which is what people see when she texts them. If I do that, will she be able to get the call from the doctor using the 831 number he was given when the appointment was made?

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2 Replies
Specialist - Level 3

Appointment is irrelevant. What matters is if the port was done directly. If it was done correctly, you'd start your BOGO deal with the 831 number.

If it was done wrong, you'd have a random number which would be the 808. If it was done really wrong, you'd have both the 808 and 831 numbers. Under no circumstance should you have two active numbers, if you do it was done wrong. 

The only reason you should have have a temporary number first is if you didn't have the old information at the time with the intent of replacing the temp number with the correct one later on. .

Customer Service Rep

There is an expected 48 hour window for a port request to be completed, but usually things can move a bit faster. We want to make sure you're still getting the best Verizon experience and we have agents standing by to assist. Please, Private Message us here anytime for live agent support. - NicholasS_VZW
