Closing loved one's account

Hello.  A cousin of mine passed away about 4 years ago.  He had created an internet/wifi account with Verizon using his Dad's name on the account.  My uncle wants to close the account. Because he does not have the account number, PIN#, or my cousin's old phone number, Verizon cannot close the account.  The bill is paid through "automatic withdrawal" from a local bank, which my uncle has been depositing money all these years into the account because it's the lesser of two evils, not getting anywhere with Verizon.  Anyway, I mentioned just closing the @#$% bank account, but the bank says that because it's "automatic withdrawal" the account can't be closed.  If My uncle stops depositing money for the withdrawal, he will then have to pay an "insufficient funds" fee.  Any suggestions or help on how this can be closed would be appreciated.  

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

We are sorry for your loss, annette9092. We understand that this is a tough situation and we want to review the best option to close the account in question. Please send us a Private Note at your earliest convenience so we can look into this a bit more. We are standing by.

