Customer Complaint Poor Customer Service

I have been a loyal customer for a number of years.  I called today regarding upgrading my iPhone 11 Pro Max to the iPhone 12 Pro Max.  I spoke to customer service and advised of the store in Orlando I wanted to go to since all others closed at 6:00pm and I didn’t get off work until 6:00pm to ensure they had the iPhone 12 Pro Max in gold, 128 gb, I was assured they had it.  I drove to that store only to find out they didn’t have it in stock, I asked the rep if he could call another store, at first he said no, however but changed his mind, tried to dial a number only to get a busy signal.  I left the store.  I called customer service a couple of times to file a complaint only to be assisted by a poorly trained uncaring rep.  I choose Verizon because of your superior customer service, however after today I will not pay for substandard customer service.  I will be happy to change to a cheaper provider since Verizon doesn’t care about its customers any more.

3 Replies
Specialist - Level 1

I have been purchasing my iPhones directly from Apple or Best Buy. Also, Apple will take a trade. They quote you the price, send you the box and will credit your account in just over a week. No hassles or problems. And you can either pick up your phone at a local Apple store if you have one or they will send it to you in a day or two. I've had excellent results buying this way.


I called today and spoke with 2 people who were suppose to Represent Verizon.. The absolutely worst of the worst service ever received wiht anyone at Verizon. I had previously called about payment arrangement  and was agreement set up. So after paying the agreed payment today, I called just to be sure that I was still good with everything. The rep Mary says No she can't honor the agreement although she shows that it was made??? Asked for her supervisor and she was terrible, nonchalant, unkind, disinterested just arrogant... I explained the previous conversations wit other reps and this lady was unbelievable JERRI the Financial Support . She would not allow the arrangement until I agreed to set up payment date for the bill that's due the 21th. I constantly trying to explain that I will pay I just need to look at my bills.  I went so far as to told her her about health ,just please try to help with this, arrangement that was agreed on the 7th July But she didn't care one bit, treated me like I was nothing. I felt like I almost begged for help on this.. You should never make people feel this way Ms. JERRI..... I know that companies are desperate for employee and hiring from any and everywhere but this lady was horrible......Verizon WAS  the best  but with  people working from home no supervision  and being extremely non caring, disrespectful .. no care for the company ...I will be transferring to different carrier asap

Customer Service Rep

Hello abryant45. We're sorry to learn about the inconvenience you experienced. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to change this around. We will be happy to assist in any way we can. 

