Duplicate voicemail glitch and lost messages

I have a #MotorolaEdgePlus5GUW. I have a glitch where each voicemail appears doubled. I had 12 messages saved but I was constantly getting alerts that my voicemail box was full/ had 24 messages saved. I deleted the duplicate of each message and the count temporarily went back to 12. The next day all of my messages had been deleted. 

1. Is there any way to get back the messages I lost? 

2. The glitch has continued. Each new message I get appears with an identical duplicate and is registered in the Verizon voicemail app as 2 messages. 

2 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello, IMGS18. Help is here as we don't want you to miss out on any of your important messages. My apologies but once the voicemail message has been deleted, we cannot retrieve it. Do you know if there are any pending software updates on the phone? Any damage? 


Master - Level 3

Do you have some other voicemail app running along with the *86 thing Verizon uses?

I'm not a Verizon employee, just another customer trying to help.