How can I reach Verizon CS?
Enthusiast - Level 2

My phone does not respond.

I'm a senior with several disabilities, live alone and can't even dial 911.

Every thing I've chosen online takes me to a bot.  It says there is a live agent on, but no one responds.  Eventually it logs me off.

I can't call, but in the past when I've dialed 611, it says it's after hours (noon on a weekday).

Someone responds on twitter after several hours, but only to say they are busy.

I am limited to text, email, facetime and skype.  The latter two just say call failed, but I may be using them incorrectly.

Can someone either get a message to Verizon or help me so I can at least get facetime/skype to call?  Or give me a way to email/text Verizon?  If it were a few years ago, I could have walked to their corporate offices.

There has to be someway for me to get through to someone, or even get an old phone to work.

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