My iPhone X is using 50% more monthly data than my previous S8+

My Previous S8+ only used 15% of data on my plan.  After upgrading to my iPhone X, 45+%  of all data on my plan can be identified to my new iPhone X  & "Web" being the culprit, but web browsing only functions on WIFI.  Cellular Data is disabled for all browsers. 

This never happened before I got an iPhone X.  I've also disabled WIFI assist & all apps related to Cellular Data, other than email & text as well as app background refresh.  I have several phones on my plan including Android S8, iPhone 6 plus, Google Pixel and two flip phones.   All of those devices only use between 4-7% data per month, each.

If I upgrade my data package my monthly bill will to high.  I have read several posts about this very issue, though may not be related to directly to my issue.  There are no resolutions other than disabling those cellular features that have already been disabled. 

My monthly bill is roughly 50% more expensive than before I upgraded to an iPhone X.  If I had known that, I would never have upgraded.

This is unacceptable, but if I can't find resolution to this, I'll have to buy out my iPhone X, try to sell and take a couple hundred dollar hit.

Does anyone have additional information that may help?  Maybe something not included in the other similar posts?

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4 Replies
Customer Service Rep

bryan.a, I appreciate you bringing this extra data usage to our attention. I would be just as concerned if I upgrade and all of the sudden my data usage raises by 50%. Do not worry we will get to the bottom of this for you. You have done a great job so far turning off data when on WiFi, and turning off WiFi assist. What do you do on your phone when you are not connected to WiFi. How often, throughout the day, are you connected to WiFi.


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I am having the exact same problem!  I do not do social media, I do not play games and I am rarely on my phone outside of my house or work where it is connected to wifi.  I have the wifi assist turned off and I have used over half our data in 1/2 of the month.  As a group of 4 on our plan we have rarely use 1/2 of the data altogether in the past.  

There is definitely something not right, either an error or by design to make more money for cell phone companies.  

I basically have to turn the phone onto airplane mode or shut it off to assure it isn't using data, since being connected to wifi isn't helping; it is sucking data anyway.  The other problem is with the cellular data turned off, phone is NOT is airplane mode, it won't send text messages.  I have turned off imessages and just want to send MMS, nope, won't do that either.  So really, right now, I have a $1,000 phone that I can use for fewer things than an old fashion flip phone. 


Customer Service Rep

We never want your data usage to be a mystery, rz1. We'd like to take a closer look into this and find out where you're data usage is coming from. Getting a new phone may increase your data, as you are uploading and downloading content to it. You may be using the phone more than normal in the beginning since you are exploring the phone. The best way to see what is using your data is by reviewing your usage through our Data Utilization tool, Please take a look at your account usage. This will break down your usage into categories. What is your data used for on a normal day? 




Without knowing how much you data plan is, 50% lacks context.   And since this is an iPhone, data must be reset with your bill cycle.  

Please do not use your My Verizon accounting of what used data.  The most accurate and only information on what used data is in setting on your phone, under cellular data.  

Your phone can accurately tell you how much data safari or another browser used.  

(Note I don’t restrict anything and never had a problem)


