Poor reception
Enthusiast - Level 1

Recently, I've noticed poor reception in places that i have never had issues with before - dropped calls, static, spottiness.  I also notice no reception where my other friends have perfect, strong reception.  Is there a known issue with connections/reception that anyone can share?  I'm highly contemplating switching to another carrier at this point.

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14 Replies
Customer Service Rep

keikimom31, losing you as a customer is not what we want in this situation and fully understand the need for working service that's reliable. What's the exact model iPhone you have? Do you have an exact intersection and city of where you have these issues? 


There were issues with dropped calls due to software problems on the iPhone XR, XS and XS Max which have since been resolved by iOS software update 12.3.1 from Apple. If not already, please also ensure you restart your iPhone once every few days so you're getting the best possible connection.




Enthusiast - Level 1

For the past few months, I have little to no functional service where I had servixce for years, from my home.  I've had zero success speaking to a human, from the alleged "customer service" that Verizon provides, so my best advice is to find another service provider.


Enthusiast - Level 1

I too have had this problem. I also have an Xs and it is kept up-to-date.  I had this with my previous Iphone as well.  We went to St. George, Utah and there were towers everywhere, and my conncetion was touch and go. I didn't really expect signal in Zion on our hikes, but going through the towns with VISIBLE towers , I expect the same service that got me signal 10 years ago on a boat in the middle of Lake Havasu!  I pay more money and get crappier service!  Don't say it's my phone, because as my husband pointed out, since you "Upgraded" us to LTE (or whatever it's called) the service stinks.

I used to brag to EVERYONE about my Verizon service and recommend you to everyone. I can't do that now, because it's just not as good for the price I have to pay. I am researching now on new services that give the same service, for less money. You simply cannot expect customers to dole out $$$ for suce poor connection.

Customer Service Rep

Hello Danm098, we know the importance of having a reliable connection, and we'd love to help. The last thing we want is to lose you as a customer. What are your nearest cross streets, city, and state? When did the problem start? How are your services being impacted (calls, texts, data)?




I have the same problem and is tired of calling, you guys keep saying your sorry and all and asking the same questions to everyone with the same issue and giving no solution at all to the problem.... I regret switching to you guys and will switch to another company in a few days.... there’s no sense in having a phone with bad service and reception. 

Moderator Emeritus

Due to the age of this thread, it will be locked in order to keep discussions current. If you have the same or a similar question/issue we invite you to start a new thread on the topic.

Customer Service Rep

STARDMUZIK, I totally understand how you feel. Providing you with optimal service is vital, and we never want anything less for you. What exactly is happening with your service?

Customer Service Rep

We never want you to leave us, as you always deserve amazing service! Is this only happening inside your home? What happens when you step outside? If we were to troubleshoot completely, we can send out a ticket for our technicians to take a look at that tower, and possibly offer a network extender to increase the service inside your home. You would need to have a router to connect this to, though. Is this something you would be interested in? MichelleH_VZW


I to am having issues with poor reception where I used to have no problems at all, I work in Statesville NC, at my work I never had problems. I have a iPhone XR, I can have full bars on LTE and still lose calls, my text messages for the most part are taking 10 minutes up to 2 hours to send. I have been a satisfied customer for 20 plus years, this all started about 2 - 3  months ago, the more expensive your phone gets the worse it is, I am searching for a new carrier because of the lack of service Verizon gives to their customers. Your commercials say the best of this and that, but as a whole Verizon is getting worse and worse, I have for years recommended you guys to everyone that ask and many, many have gone with Verizon. I will no longer recommend Verizon to anyone, it seems all you are thinking about is the $$$. 

sincerely a disappointed customer


Same. I have poor to no reception at home and when I'm in a car and mobile (I live in LA) I have been having so many problems connecting. This is so frustrating considering how much more expensive my bill is vs anyone else I know. I have an XR. 


I am also having this problem with an iPhone XR.  My mother has an iphone 5c with Verizon, and she was getting good reception in areas that I had no reception.  There seems to be a problem with the iPhone XR and Verizon towers.  I currently have iOS 13.2.3.

Customer Service Rep

Jon16, we certainly want you to have the best possible service! What ZIP code are you located in? Is the phone showing 'No Service'?




I am having a similar issue my iPhone XR has full bars of LTE but service is dropping out I restart my phone every few days this does not fix the problem.  It's quite frustrating to pay this much money for finicky service issues.  Weather I'm at home on Long Island New York or in NYC I have service issues.

Customer Service Rep

Mccpjc, with such a great phone we know that you want to enjoy reliable service. Restarting your device is a great step but as this has continued, let's work to get to the bottom of this. You mentioned that service is dropping out, which service or services are affected? Does this happen indoors or out? Do you recall adding any new apps, games or software before this began? Is the phone software up to date? This may be checked by going to the Settings, General, Software Update. Should there be an update available,please complete this update and let us know if there is any change. 


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