Poor service
Enthusiast - Level 1

I have tried numerous time to contact Customer service ref a repair. Hold times are over an hour and chat is always down for "technical difficulties". For a tech company, this is just poor service. I know they are trying to blame it on the Covid-19 but its funny how none of the other companies have this issue. Just got off with AT&T and have not contact problems. VZW is a waste and my next call will be to switch service. I can not tolerate this type of laziness.  

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2 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 1

I've been having the same problem with customer service.  No one answers the "live chat" and the wait times on the phone are forever.  I tried simply changing plans online, but the website wasn't allowing it; that's why I tried calling them. They say that the long wait times are because they're trying to protect us, but I have yet to hear that you can transmit COVID over the telephone.

Specialist - Level 3

Funny the term "lazy" is used when reps get back to back calls without any down time between those calls. Everyone complaining about hold times can either submit an application to take calls themselves or learn to use the app.

Majority of problems can be resolved through My Verizon or a Google search. Last time I personally had to call Verizon was in 2016.
