Seriously Desperate here! Iphone X CANNOT send pics/long texts to droids, tech support no help
Enthusiast - Level 1

Here's the timeline:

-Was a verizon unlimited customer with this same phone for years, no problems sending long texts and pics to android phones

-Stupidly switched to Google for two weeks, then switched back to Prepaid Verizon

-After switching back I can no longer send pics/texts to android phones.


I have done thorough troubleshooting (8+hours) with tech support:

-via the phone 4 times

-via chat once

-in store person 2 times

No change.

The employee at our verizon store used to be level three tech support and spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure it out.

His conclusion was that tech support needs to change my IMS status from VOICE and SMS to VOICE and DATA.

When I go to settings>about>Carrier---it says Voice and SMS

Despite calling verizon tech support to change this, they have been unsuccessful.


Please help!!!!

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1 Reply
Enthusiast - Level 1

Issue resolved after searching the forums.


This is what I did:

-Turned off phone

-Put my old google fi sim card in

-Settings>cellular>cellular data network

-I cleared all settings manually, and then clicked reset settings.

-Restarted phone, and VOILA!  Issue resolved!!!
