Update to: Why doesn't Verizon care about their current customer? Time to make the move to AT&T
Enthusiast - Level 2

Just wanted to add a quick update before I left so any of you in a similar situation (and there seems to be a lot of us) can understand what to expect.  I would also like to say to all the people complaining about the same thing I'am, unless we actually follow through and move they won't ever change there position.  They are counting on the fact that people are going to be lazy and just eat the cost and stay, that is why they literally do nothing now when you tell them your leaving.  I don't know the stats but I would guess it is pretty alarming around how many actually stay to deal with their garbage and just keep paying more money.  Hope some of you have more luck than I did.


After sending a message claiming they wanted to do what they could to retain my business I  verified my account but they were having issues and ended up having to call me.

I feel like my few paragraph rant above pretty much said it all.  The young man who called me had no idea why he was even calling.  His first statement to me was "so I understand you want to look at our current promotion for upgrading".  At this point I just started shaking my head as yeah, that is pretty much what I have come to expect from verizon at this point.

After explaining my issues, again, he kept trying to get me to stay by telling me he sure understood my frustration and than lying to me by telling me that it was going to cost a lot more money to switch.  Odd as they spiff me for coming over, there plan is less expensive for the same services and I get the phone for a fraction of the cost verizon wants to charge me.  When I mentioned all that he was just quiet.  He than offered me an IPAD for 150 dollars with a service plan (why are you serious right now?).  

Finally I made it real clear.  You either value my business and will show me by at least coming close to what you are doing for people just joining verizon, or you dont which feels like where we are at.  He than placed me on hold for 15 - 20 minutes at which he returned to the phone call and explained that sometimes the promotions benefit the current customers and sometimes they benefited people moving over.  I asked him to show me a promotion that was better for verizons current customers rather than their new.  He could not produce such a promotion.  

Finally admitting defeat and offered absolutely nothing other than a I sure am sorry you feel that way and I sure wish you would stay with us.  

@vzw_customer_support -  Why waste my time?  My email could not have been more clear.  Why reply like you were going to do something when there was absolutely nothing you are empowered to do?  Is it one last F you, waste even more of my time and send me on my way?

Not empowered to resolve issues, not empowered to retain customers, essentially there is no reason to contact Verizon for anything except maybe activation.  What you see online is what they can do for you, period.  

I can not wait for my phone to get here so I can high tail it over to AT&T.

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3 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 2

I hear you i am almost in the same boat with them as far as the phone i ordered activated under promotional status, just for them to close out the line because they ran into issues instead of calling me, and charging me the entire $412 as opposed to the promotional fee. I am pretty close to moving to AT&T as well.

Enthusiast - Level 2

Their support is an absolute joke.  Literally all they do anymore is find ways to charge you more money.  Literally anything I have ever need done outside my plan has been more expensive than any other carrier.  Recently had to travel internationally, their plan was twice to three times any other provider.


I switched to At&t after being with Verizon for 6 years only to switch back. At&t had less coverage. Couldn't get signal in my own house. Thought I was saving money only to be stuck with 3 at&t phones. Learned my lesson. 
