Verizon MiFy 4G Jet Pack with Windows Network

I have been struggling with configuring my home network to work with the latest Verizon MyFi.


I have a multi PC network with a WD 10TB NAS and an ASUS AC 5300 router. I have also mapped drives with fixed IPs between the PC.


Since my ASUS router configuration page has the same IP as the MyFi. ( I can not get to my router to configure it. When I assign a different IP to the router the con figuration page for the router will not come up. Additionally, I can not access the Internet with the router running and the MyFi running.


One other thing I noticed is that the MyFi reassigns an opportunity in the 197.... range rather than the 192..... range as is the rest of my network. Consequently I can not access the NAS.


I also Have Linksys AC 1900 router that not on this network but could be.


Where we recently moved to the MyFi is the only access to the internet.




Any way I can reconfigure the MyFi to work with my network/router. (Either one), (Perhaps just switch the MyFi to a hotspot isolated so it does not impact the internal networks?) and or


Anyway I can reconfigure either of my two routers to make the network compatible with the MyFi.


Can you supply detailed written instructions?


Thank you,

Roger Smith

Email: [email address removed per the Verizon Terms of Service]

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