Verizon won't honor terms of trade in and they took my phone


In march there was a promotional offer going on saying that if you traded in your phone, you would get $750 off an Iphone 12 and if you ported it, you would get a mail in $250 gift card. I have called every month and every month the representative adds notes to my account stating how they are going to correct the issue and I will be issued the $750 and $250. In June, they submitted it again, nothing happened so I called back in July. This time, the rep tells me that my June claim was denied because the person at the store did not submit my trade in request within the 30 day window. So, because their representative did not submit the form, which the lady confirmed that is literally what it says on me denial, I am not eligible to receive the promotion any more. So, she says she will give me the $750 credit and my phone bill will just be $0 until I hit $750. But they will not give me the $250 mail in gift card for porting my phone, and they will not give me any of the retro pay or convenience fee the rep in June promised I would get (I have the ticket number confirming these promises). It has been 3 weeks and I still do not have the credit on my account. It's funny though because they raised the price of the protection plan, and that showed up within 3 days of being notified. I have called in March, April, May, June, and July and each time I spend at least an hour on the phone with these people. 


How do I get help, clearly they are all liars and their promises mean nothing nor do their little tickets they submit swearing it will be dealt with. I obviously can't get my phone back. So Verizon has stolen my phone and lied about their promotional offer. What are my options?

1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

Hello, we can look into this rebate for you. We understand wanting to take advantage of a promotion. Please send us a Private Note. 
