Very bad connection over wifi
Enthusiast - Level 1

My iPhone11 WiFi calls almost always has very bad connections from my home. Almost no connectivity to network since cell towers were moved so I have to use Wifi. Wifi signal shows as very strong on my phone. Often both parties are only hearing every other word. Voices are sometimes distorted and dropped calls are a problem.  
How can I narrow down if this  is a problem with my phone, the WiFi Router or the Verizon network somehow? Iโ€™m not sure who to call to fix my problem until I can figure out whose problem it is!  

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Customer Service Rep

We can understand how frustrating it can be when your service isn't working as expected. We will be glad to take a closer look with you to help narrow down where the concern with the service is coming from. Please be on the look out for a Private Note from us to gather additional details from you.
