Why must a tablet be charged as an extra line?
Enthusiast - Level 1

I became a Verizon customer last year when I purchased a Samsung Galaxy Book S and a data plan for it. I eventually replaced the Book S with an iPad Air purchased from Verizon. 

Yesterday, I added my iPhone to the plan, and there was not a way to share the data without treating the iPad as one line and the phone as another, which, of course, will boost my monthly charges considerably in the long run. 

I remember when I was on our family AT&T plan, a device like a tablet could be added to the plan for $10 and it shared the data with the other members. I have also been a Google Fi customer, and $10 could buy and extra data SIM for a device like a laptop or tablet and the data would be shared with the allotment for the plan. 

I care less about "unlimited" data than simply having a pot of, say, 10GB of data between my devices that would be more than enough for me. 

All things considered, an iPad does not need a line. You can't make phone calls from it. You can't register the My Verizon app with it to check your account because the authentication code comes via SMS to the iPad number, which the iPad cannot receive.

I am wondering if there is an economical way to keep both the phone and the iPad on a more economical plan, even it if is not "unlimited". 

Labels (1)
  • iPad

5 Replies
Customer Service Rep

I am a consumer myself so I understand saving money where you can. I can take a look at your account to see what plans we have that best fit your needs. Please check your private message. AmberF_VZW

Enthusiast - Level 1

I am also wondering why we are paying $20+ a month for the ipad.  We only use it with wifi.  What am I missing?

Specialist - Level 3

You bought a tablet from a carrier. Those are always going to have a data line because you bought a cellular capable tablet. 

If you're going to use a tablet soley on wifi, buy it from Target, Best Buy or any other big retailer.

Specialist - Level 1

I got a 5G unlimited plan that gives me a 50% discount on my cellular iPad. It's only $10 a month. I think that's a fair price.

A cellular tablet or watch requires its own line (phone number). They are independent of your phone.

Community Leader
Community Leader

If you are only using the iPad on Wi-Fi and you have completed any service contract for the iPad line, you can cancel the line associated with the iPad and disconnect it from your account. Once disconnected, you need to remove the SIM card from the iPad and connect it to your Wi-Fi network. 

I'm most definitely NOT a VZW employee. If a post answered your question, please mark it as the answer.