iPad crashes every time I try to go to my account.
Enthusiast - Level 1

Every time I try to go to Verizon.com, log in,  the accept text, comes in to my cell never a hitch there....but as soon I I get into the web-site..it’s crashes or get stuck or just keeps reloading the fudging page to the point I get so frustrated I just leave their site.  It’s the ONLY site that this happens on!  It’s been happening for over 2 yrs., if I’m paying every fudging month on time and in full then fix your fudging site.  You are one heck of a large company and in this day and age there isn’t ever going to be a good enough excuse you can give me to why I’m dealing with this.  
You get millions/billions of dollars yearly and I actually think you do this dirt on purpose just to monitor what people are doing.  

FIX YOUR fudging WEB PAGE FOR CHRIST SAKE!!!  Or I’m switching to another carrier!  I’m sick of dealing with this every time I try to get on the site.  You crash my iPad then it needs to be refresh or hard rebooted.  AND ITS JUST VERIZON!  And my iPad is new and is always updated!  So it’s your site!  

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  • iPad

3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Kloee64, we certainly want you to be able to utilize our site with ease! I assure you what is occurring is not being done on purpose. Have you used any other device outside of the iPad? Such as a computer or a smartphone. If so, does the same thing occur on any other device?

Enthusiast - Level 1

Yes, iPhone too.. you know your site crashes constantly, on these devices.  Please don’t play dumb.  I’m not the only one that has complained about this, it’s an ongoing issues for yrs., now.  Maybe your working on it maybe your not.  I completely understand the systems are always changing and all the continued updated technology.  But this has been an issues, you know it’s an issues.  We continue to pay and the issues are never fixed and you send out a reply to appease us, in this case to appease me right now.  It took me weeks to order a new phone on the site, do to the crashing or the page would just reload constantly.  So frustrating.  It’s your site, maybe do to over load, maybe not.  But there are larger sites than Verizon that NEVER crash or reload. You want to be #1, then fix your web page malfunctions.  Then I’ll be impressed. 

Customer Service Rep

We're sorry to hear about your experience. We're here to help. Just to clarify, are you having issues using the web browser or our mobile application? 
