new iphone x no gps
Enthusiast - Level 1

Purchased a new iphone X replacing my iphone 6 (which worked perfectly). I lose GPS on Waze and Google Maps, when I'm driving. I've  contacted Apple 5 times tried all of the fixes they recommended. Nothing worked. I walked into Apple and they replaced the phone I got at Verizon with a phone from the Apple store. I still can't connect to Waze and Google Maps, I still lose the GPS signal. I need help as I am directionally challenged and I need to drive all over the place for work. 

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1 Reply
Enthusiast - Level 2

This is known GPS problem with Verizon network. They don't except it and asked us to change to new device. If you want to test your phone then try any other carrier and it should work fine. Same happened with me; Yet waiting for Verizon to give solution. 

Please do let me know if you found any solution. 
