poor signal
Enthusiast - Level 1

I only get 1 to 2 bars of signal at home.  A friend of mine has a signal booster that Verizon gave her.  I got 5 bars of signal while visiting her.  Now I look online and you want to charge me $250 to buy a signal booster.  I'm already paying almost $300 a month for 2 phones and when I'm home I get poor service.  I want a signal booster at no charge.

Michael Yearout
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2 Replies
Enthusiast - Level 1

I’m having the same issue.  Poor cell signal.  Why if we are paying a premium for “the best carrier” must we go through hoops to get the best service?  I consistently have one bar and a bonus is two but only briefly.  

Enthusiast - Level 1

Same here. Verizon has obviously done something to the towers or satellites in my area. Not going to keep calling to troubleshoot my phone, when it’s obviously not an issue with my phone (every phone on my plan has the same problem). Also Not going to continue to pay over $300 a month for much longer for a phone service that is now practically useless in my home!
