Store keeps canceling my orders - worst experience ever!!!


Just wanted to bring this to your attention. This is the worst shopping experience I have ever had. 

This specific store canceled ALL my 5 pickup orders in the past few weeks during Black Friday/Cyber weeks without any explanation. Totally wasted of my time. Let me give you an example how they dealt with my order which was the worst thing I have ever seen in online shopping:


11pm: I placed a pickup order successfully.

The 2nd day around 9am: the order was canceled because I didn’t pick it up!!! How ridiculous! It had only been a few hours and I didn't even get a order ready to pick up email. Then it got canceled. Usually I got 3 days to pick it in other stores.


This repeated 5 times, I never got the headphones I paid for, you can image how frustrated I felt. 


You see what they did:

They tricked the system to make it look like it was my fault the order was cancelled. When you contact the Verizon customer service, it would look like i didn’t pick it up so it got cancelled until you show the agent the timestamps of ordering & cancelation, which makes the shopping experience even harder. Imagine you thought you got a good deal during black Friday from Verizon and after a few hours, it is gone without no reason! This process repeated 5 times! Initially, I thought my account was flagged with fraud or something, but when I called the Verizon fraud team, they said everything is ok on my account! This makes the whole thing a mystery!


The other odd things I saw:


1. The Verizon online support also checked the inventory for me and confirmed it was in stock. He even helped me place the order again, unfortunately, it got cancelled too!

2. Once it got cancelled, if you check the inventory another day, it still showed in stock, which is ridiculous.


My conclusion:


If the item was out of stock, it shouldn’t keep showing in stock after the cancellation. Since this was the 75% discount of the accessories, I think this specific store didn’t want the customers to have the item with a huge discount. This is not cool! I have zero issue with pickup orders in other stores.


My suggestion to the store manager:

I got it if you guys don’t want to sell an item with a huge discount, just to be honest, take it down from the inventory online. Please don’t play games and waste people’s time to order and cancel. Stop telling lies.


As a loyal Verizon user, I am very disappointed with the terrible shopping experience! Also, I tied to call the store number listed in the order to figure out what was going on, but it went to Verizon customer service directly, useless.


In comparison with time and effort I spent on these items and back & forth with Verizon agents, it is not worth it. Better to shop somewhere else to save time and have a better mood. It was my mistake to trust Verizon. Less learned.


Whoever encountered the same, please share your experiences. Thanks. 


@vzw_customer_support  please message me if you care. I can more information with you.

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1 Reply
Customer Service Rep

IMLeaving Soon, it's regretful your various orders were canceled, and I'm sorry that happened. It's a busy time of year and some items in stores can clear out quickly. We can certainly look at the previous orders to see what happened, and look at reviewing options for making new orders. As part of that I've sent a Private Note to assist. 
