2 month Old Refund Request
Enthusiast - Level 1


I need help obtaining a refund for an order that was placed and cancelled 2 months ago.  So far I have spoken to 35 agents 10 managers, in 7 departments with no resolve. I keep being promised a call back from managers, but no call ever received. In store can't assist me because they are limited access to the order. This order was place April 18, 2024, and order cancelled on April 23, 2024. No devices were received. Meanwhile, I have a business checking account statement that displays withdrawal amount of $382.70 via Verizon; however, no funds placed back into the business account. I need a manager who can resolved this matter once and for all as this issue is 2 months old. Typical turn around time for an order refund is 3-7 business days for Verizon. Why is my company waiting 2 months plus for a refund for devices never received? I will be happy to provide proof that transaction occurred but no refund issued. I have already dispute this issue with my bank who is stating that I need refund confirmation from Verizon. When informing or requesting funds for Verizon no resolve;  just a bunch of transfers and false promises that refund will be provide. Can anyone help me resolve this once and for all please?

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