2 year contract renewal

Due to my husband being on disability now, I contacted Verizon to see if we could lower my bill. They assured me (3 times) that my plan and current channels would remain the same. They offered me a savings of $55 per month if I signed a 2 year contract so I did. Now one of the main channels my husband enjoys is not included in my plan!! I never changed the plan, and the assured me evert hung was the same. Please note, they have a list of your most watched channels so i think its kind of ironic one of the most watched is now gone. After 3 phone calls I have the following options. Downgrade to get that channel and lose others, upgrade for $55 to get that channel or, one they never offered but a memo popped up on my tv screen....pay an additional $35 for the one channel. Also, they say i cant go back to the old plan as its no longer available, but i didnt change the plan Now, I'm locked into a 2 year contract and I will be charged to terminate!! The big question is can I make changes to this contract without penalties?  Like, remove 2 phone lines and 1 cable box? In 2 years I will do what I should have done before signing the 2 year contract, unless one of the other cable companies will pay my exit fee before then. 

3 Replies
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Your talking to peers here.

Its possible they removed the channel you want in the plan for all using your plan.  They have also been know to remove it from new version of the plan.  Did you check the plan to see if its listed?  And yeah its painful when you can't go back to a previous offering you had.


I am in a similar situation, except I will eventually pay more! We have been misled, and I will be happy to go to Comcast if need be. I am sorry to hear that you have to go through this.

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