200 switcher credit
Enthusiast - Level 1

Hello all, I have not seen any credit on my bill for switching to Verizon. In fact my first couple bills have been over double what they should be. I was told I would get a credit on my account in the Verizon store and I still haven't seen anything. Now that I started doing research on why it hasn't appeared I come to find out it is the customers job to seek it out and you only have a limited time to do it. I feel cheated by the language used by the sales rep in the store. I was told to be patient cause it takes 1 or 2 billing cycles to see the promotions but after 1 to 2 cycles the time expires. I asked in the store when following up with other issues and they said I should have received something by now and it was the promotion departments problem and they didn't have the power in store to help me. Anyone else feeling jerked around by Verizon? 

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3 Replies
Customer Service Rep

Hello, Vrznpaininazz, we're very glad that you chose to join Verizon and we know it's important that you receive your promotion. When did you make the switch to Verizon? You also mentioned an issue with your billing. Generally your first bill will be higher due to activation fees, but after that you should see your normal monthly charges. Are you still running into an issue with your bill being higher than expected?


Enthusiast - Level 1
Yes, I have not seen any credits for switching and I also I guess my trade in phones got lost so I never received the promotion deals until now. I had to have the manager at the Verizon store do a lot of extra work to try and see where the missing trade in phones went. In the meantime my bills were more money than I had budgeted for. Like over $600 dollars when I was thinking around 200. My auto pay discount turned off cause I had to use a credit card to pay the large bill and then everything got shut off and now I have a 40 dollar reactivation fee on all the lines (5) that's another 200 dollars. I just feel like Verizon has caused a problem and the effect of that problem keeps coming out of my pocket. Even the store manager at the corporate store told me he wishes he had the power to fix the issues for me cause he knows it's the company's fault. But ya I still need to try and get the credit for switching over. 
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Champion - Level 1

Sorry to hear you got bitten by the "lost trade-in bug".  That's also really sad that even the corporate store managers can't do anything about such situations.  No wonder why when people here ask for a manager in the forums, they don't get one?  Makes you wonder who can really fix such stuff, but I sure hope they get things sorted for you.

In the meantime, here's a thread from someone who did get their switcher rebate, with some helpful tips:


I'm not a Verizon employee, just another customer trying to help.