Account Wipped out by Illegal Porting of Phone Numbner

I am wondering if this has happened to anybody looking at the Forums.  

At the Begingin of last month my Phone service just quit all of the sudden and the next day i lost TV service.  I am not sure exactly the momment the Phones went out but should have realized the Robo Calls stopped.  After calling Verizon i was shocked to learn that my account had been deactivated and no one caould help me until i talked to billing.  Everyone thought my account got suppened for a accounting error yet my payment had gone through the day before the due date so i spent 3 hours on the phone going from one depertment to another as billing reactived my account but opps your phone number for 40 YEARS is gone it was taken by COMCAST.  I spent another hour on the phone to be told that it was escallated to a non-contact working group and they would reset my Account and Port Back my Number but it could take awhile.  So the Next day puff i have my TV back but no phone but that could take awhile as that was another service.  During this time i called my number and someone else answered humm seems they had a similar number but somehow got my number but off by one digit the fact that they lived in another state was also a mystery.  

After this i called Verizon after i had alocated a whole afternoon to this to be accused by the rep of everything from selling my phone number to playing a name game with them as it was my fault that the number was transfered as all the info said that i did it.   I tried to explain to him that after 40 year with the same number and 30+ years at the same address why the hell would i transfer it to some complete stranger in another state but he said it was me or someone i know in my household that i did it and would i like to sign up for a new plan and a new number as he could save me $80 since my plan jumped from $150 with Phone/TV/Interent to $230 with just TV/Internet.   After 2 hours with this kid the best i got was it was not thier problem they can't do anything and i needed accept that it was my fault that someone i knew did this and to contact Comcast.  

Well I couldn't allocate the time till the next week but after i set aside a afternoon i called COMCAST low and behold the first rep knew what to do and transfered me to the right department the Porting Department although i had to be escallated once more to a specialist department it would seem that things were slowly in motion as they had my number off the guy that had it and had a reqest from verizon to reinste my number but wait they couldn't because verizon is telling them they have no account to go with it ( It seems that Verizon threw my contract out and since i no longer have phone service the plan they put me in was for just TV/Internet) they cannot take my phone number back unless i sign a new contract that includes phone ohh and they will give me a BIG $40 savings since i am now paying $230 

I am unsure what department to reactivate my old Contract everytime i call i get pushed around by the sales people on thier general !-800-Verizon number the last time i called i just got a "well thanks you for being a Verizon Customer for 4 months"  Did not care a bit cause i refussed to sign up to thier $190 offer of a new contract.  The ease that they can Port numbers is crazy and i am dumfounded how Verizon just Dosn't Care at all. I am unsure of the next course of action as I cannot figure out who the right people to talk to at verizon i cannot seem to get past the people trying to sell me a new service agreement.  

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