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A couple of years back we upgraded to Verizon Ultimate HD in order to get a greater number of HD channels.  For several months we had these channels, then several disappeared from our set.  When I login to my account and pull up the channel listing, it displays "Your Plan" and it indicates that we are subscribing to and paying for these channels.  WIth internet and phone, our bill is now $259 a month.  Some of the channels are the world fishing channel, outdoor network, etc.  The channel lineup clearly displays that these channels are included in the Ultimate HD package, which we pay for.  Well, when I inquired, I got both a technical guy and a billing guy, and eventually a billing manager that all told me in order to get these channels, I had to pay another $10 a month.  They wanted to know if I wanted to add them.  I explained that online it displays these are already a part of my service.  No help from these guys.  We're not too pleased that they yanked the weather channel either.  It's pretty simple - provide the service you agree to provide!

4 Replies
Moderator Emeritus

Sorry you are having difficulty, an agent with access to your account will reach out to you directly by email, private message in the Forums and/or the billing telephone number on your Verizon account for more information to help you resolve your issue.Please remember to check your spam/junk folder if you do not hear from an agent.


Well, Verizon never reached out to me by e-mail or any other method other than the reply to this forum.  At the time when I attempted to subscribe to the channels, I was getting an error on my set top box.  Now two weeks later, I click and it says that they are a part of my package and they are attempting to activate.  I don't know if someone attempted to fix the problem, but it looks like at this point it might be resolved.  I'd like to know if there are any further negotiations to get back the weather channel because that will influence my decision on whether or not to remain with Verizon.

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Community Leader

Last I heard they didn't totally end negotiations with TWC.  But having added Accuweather it would seem less likely.

THE WEBSITE IS MOSTLY PEER TO PEER.  As such its less likely for you get Verizon support to respond to something here.  Especially unlikely for them to discuss negotiations, channel changes, etc.

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Community Leader

If you are using a Verizon STB the channels you mentioned should let you resubscribe for free.  They drop them off in an attempt to cut costs for some of the channels that many people never watch.   THe person who said an additional $10 would be wrong, at least for the channels you mentioned if you have Ultimate.

As said on the Verizon boxes it should be easy to get them back.  Unfortunately its a bit harder for those with Tivo or other boxes to get them back.  But you should be able to do so with a simple contact to Verizon support.

Remember these boards are MOSTlY peer to peer support, although I see at least one Verizon person has reached out to you.